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04-15-2007 10:40:16

Thank you so much for your help. My mother (who it turns out has more mSQL expertise than most of the people that wrote the program) helped me play around with the database and we found that it was indeed a database error.

For some reason all e-mails where set to "" and it was frying everything else. We had to go back in and completely delete the database, make a new database with a different name, and completely reinstall everything to get everything to work. 

Once again thanks for the help. If you hadn’t suggested a database error I would have been reinstalling that thing over and over again. I really appreciate it.

04-15-2007 01:12:09

Hmm...  When I view the memberlist, the administrator section throws an error, and one of the member names listed is "<blank>".  I have a feeling that the name you typed into the installer was lost, so there basicly is no owner.  I couldn't register, either, so the database probably didn't get set up properly for some reason.

You'll have to re-install the board.  When you do, take a screenshot of the installer as it sets up the database.  If there's any skipped lines or duplicates, that would suggest a problem with the database.

04-14-2007 14:14:28

I am a first time Oekaki board owner and I have tried the original OekakiPoteto version 5.1.0a and the Wacintaki Poteto 1.3.6 but I keep getting a error which will not allow me to login. The error reads:

"Access Denied: Your password is invalid, or you are still a pending member. Use your browser button to go back"

I double-checked that I had the right password and username (which I did), deleted my cookies, ran the restoreflag.php with the correct username, and reinstalled the software. None of these things have worked.

I also tried to retrieve my password just incase the copy-and-pasted version of it was short a letter or something. I can't get any password retrieval e-mail.

I even tried to register for a new account to see if the board can even send e-mails. The new account won't show up, and when I try to verify it all I get is:

"Invalid verification code. Use your browser button to go back."

I tried to access the "testinfo.php" page, but of course: "Diagnostics page available only to owner "

My board address is:

Do you know what might be causing these errors and/or what I can do to fix them?

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