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03-25-2007 04:03:51

Setting up the database is the hardest part, and that varies considerably by the server.  Many places will require you to create a database user to access the database.  When you do this, the server will usually mash together your account name and database username.

For example, if your account name is "hanyougirl" and the database username you chose is "oekaki", the actual database username will usually end up being "hanyougirl_oekaki".  This is pretty confusing at first.  Just note that sometimes the names you typed in aren't the names that the server will actually use.

03-24-2007 21:31:00

oK....I started over and erased the prOn.php and guess what? The darn page still refreshes.......I found a new host, but I don't know how to to use it as well as I do Funpic.....@_@

03-22-2007 08:51:02

Well, thank you SO VERY much for your help, Waccoon, I am really gratfull. I like your art skillz too! ^_^

I will start over and do all the things you told me to do in this forum and I hope it works. If it doesn't oh well.....I can just try again later in life. Thank you so Much!!!!!! **BOWS**

03-22-2007 04:05:05

Uh... FunPic sucks?

Seriously, if your database just disappeared, I don't think I can offer any help.  The oekaki cannot create or remove databases.  Make sure that the "index.php" file is in the base folder of your FunPic site.  If it is missing, you'll get a 404 error, no matter how many other files exist on the server.

03-21-2007 17:31:22


GAH!! And when I type in it takes me to a 404 error! gahhhz! When I type  in it takes to to a porno site......I know that isn't the right url but now I can't even get to the installer....

It says that I don't have a database anymore! I DIDN'T DELETE IT! D=<

03-20-2007 05:25:06

If the CHMOD numbers are wrong, it should tell you.

Could you post a screenshot of the installer after you hit the Submit button?  The installer shouldn't just refresh without giving any status messages.

If it DOES just refresh, chances are FunPic's filtering system is blocking something that you're typing in.  Try leaving out any non-critical information (such as the board title and author name).  Most information collected by the installer can actually be changed later in the control panel.  Also, try removing the "pr0n.png" image from the installer, as FunPic may now block that word.

03-18-2007 11:25:15

Ok...I fixed the path name and now it just takes me to the installer. I then put in all data that you tell me and it still refreshed. If I CHOMDed something wrongly would that make a difference???

This is much harder then it looks.... @____@

03-18-2007 00:03:05

That path is invalid.  Your actual path is, which is much too long.

If the oekaki is the only thing you want to use on your site, all the files should be uploaded directly into the base folder of the account.  So, people will just type to get to the oekaki.  If you plan on having a website, too, you can put the oekaki into a subfolder, resulting in  From the distribution, only the files within the "oekaki" folder need to be uploaded.  All those readme files and the documentation should not be uploaded to the server.

The path problem might be why the "common.php" file isn't being included correctly.

Once you've gotten that straightened out, you need to collect your database info.  The host will be "localhost" (all one word in lower case).  The database name and database username on FunPic should be identical.  It should either be "hanyougirl1234" or "hanyougirl1234_01".  On some FunPic accounts, I've seen the "_01" tacked on to the end, and on some other accounts, I haven't.  If you go to the FunPic MySQL section, it should tell you what the proper name is.

The database table prefixes should be left alone.  That's for advanced users; the defaults are fine.

Finally, make sure the "URL to OekakiPoteto" is correct.  If you installed your oekaki into a subfolder, then the path will be  Basicly, it should match what is shown in your web browser's address bar, with the "install.php" chopped off the end.  If this path is wrong, the board won't work correctly.  It is possible to fix it after the board has been installed, however.

03-17-2007 20:36:35

Now I am getting these.........

"  Warning: main(common.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden in /usr/export/www/hosting/hanyougirl1234/oekaki/Oekaki/oekaki/install.php on line 46

Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening 'common.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /usr/export/www/hosting/hanyougirl1234/oekaki/Oekaki/oekaki/install.php on line 46


GAH....@_@ My brain hurts.....

03-16-2007 15:46:40

Ok...this is my Oekaki istaller thingy....

What would be the

Database Name   
Database Username 

I know the password has to be my orignal Funpic password, right??

I have 2 MySQL accounts......In the phpMyAdmin, thingy, the top says....

" MySQL 4.1.22-log running on localhost as hanyougirl1234@  "

Here is the Php thing address....

I am seriously confused. I think the most of the problems I am having is in the MySQL part....

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