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01-19-2007 03:50:23

What I do is have Microsoft VM enabled in Internet Explorer, and use Java with Firefox.

Both dialects of Java are pretty lousy, but Sun's Java is more stable, while Microsoft VM is faster and tends to complain less if applets do stupid things, like send badly-formed headers.

01-19-2007 01:21:51

This is a result of my longing to be able to keep using OekakiBBS.
I know this has been explained, but I definitely wished it had been somewhere in greater detail. So I took that responsibility.

This test confirms that the OekakiBBS applet CAN still work.
Here's how:
-Check to see if you have Microsoft VM (chances are you don't). This only works in Internet Explorer. Go to Tools -> Internet Options. Under the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Java (Sun) section and the Microsoft VM section should be below it.
-If you don't have Microsoft VM, download it here. Restart your computer when it's done for the installation to finish.
-Back in Internet Explorer, go back to Tools -> Internet Options. Under the Advanced tab, scroll down to the Java (Sun) section, and uncheck the checkbox. Then go down to the Microsoft VM section and check the Java Console enabled box.
-Close out of Internet Explorer and open it again.
-Yay! The Oekaki submits.

NOTE: Sun Java is actually a much better client than Microsoft VM, especially for other applets, so you ought to only enable VM over Sun Java when you need to use OekakiBBS. The reason Microsoft VM works with OekakiBBS is because that is the Java app that OekakiBBS was designed for.

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