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02-26-2007 06:42:58

So i can keep on translating smile
Please add an information in your next update, so people like me won't search the whole wacpoteto to activate it smile
Do you have a alpha for this funktion? You could integrate it and warn people, that it isn't working correct and the use is on own risk...

02-26-2007 01:20:34

"guest_draw" is a placeholder.  It's not working, and I doubt it ever will.  There just aren't enough admin functions to make guest posting passable.

Nope, no German translation, yet... only Chinese!

02-25-2007 20:22:26

Is it working with the actual version or am I too stupid to get it run?
I set guest_draw "yes" but if i log off i can't draw... sad

By the way: I'm translating the Language-File into german...
Is there any existing file in german (have to know it wink)?
If there is no existing file, i'll tell you when i'm finished

01-02-2006 22:38:15

Well, I must admit that guest drawing is a fairly low priority, because when I really look into all the things that have to be changed to get it to work, its apparent that lots of things can be broken.  I mean, I thought safety saves would also be working in 1.2.5, but I had to push that back, too, because of bumping issues.

I really am quite anxious to write my own board.  Oekaki Poteto really wasn't design to do many of the things I've added to Wacintaki.

Then again, if I make my own board, I won't be able to blame Oekaki Poteto anymore when something blows up.  wink

01-02-2006 06:43:14

So it's possible now?(ver 1.2.5)
*feels like a HUGE noob*

08-15-2005 00:33:27

Probably not.  Posting picture data with boilerplate names ("Guest" for example) will work, but certain other features like commenting and naming will be broken, and pictures may not sort properly.

1.3 will fix this, but seeing how I just bought a brand new Subaru WRX and have been bitten by the "mod bug," I have yet another way to waste time.  smile

I suppose I can get guest drawing support in 1.2.4 and work on collab support later.

08-15-2005 00:19:58

wow this is exactly what i was looking for! anonymous draw access... is there some simple fix i can try to make anonymous draw possible on Wacintaki 1.2.3 ?

06-25-2005 20:42:40

Thanks Wac - I look forward to seeing the updates.  You rock

06-25-2005 03:36:01

I used to use OekakiBBS and NoteBBS a long time ago, and the nicest thing about those boards was that nobody had to register.  I remember the uproar from my members when I told them I was switching to Poteto.  Nobody, including myself, wanted to have to register to draw.  But, I just couldn't stand the old boards with their screwed up page numbers, double-posting bugs, messed-up cookies, etc...

Replacing the security system with a single entry point (boot.php) was a very important update to allow guest drawing and group projects.  I don't know when they will be available as my job is driving me nuts, but it shouldn't be the three months it took to get 1.2.0 done.

06-23-2005 10:26:15

Hello!  I remember (I think) looking a few weeks ago at the upcoming features on the Wacintaki - an anonymous draw feature?  Or am I mistaken?  Maybe I was dreaming, I do that.

It would be "pretty rad" to allow that, in my opinion.  But everyone's opinon on what's pretty rad or not differs quite a bit.

THanks WAC


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