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Topic review (newest first)

10-17-2006 02:48:56

Ever since FunPic had their server overhaul, I've been hearing about a lot of problems like this.  Corrupt picture uploads, broken animations, inability to edit the notice, etc.

I have a feeling this is because of their new anti-spam filter.  For example, one person on the FunPic forum was complaining that words like "work" and "casino" cause the server to dump uploaded information.  There might be a specific combination of bytes in the picture file that's causing the server to reject it.

I'm watching a couple threads on the FunPic forum to see what the admins will do about this, but I don't think anything is likely to change any time soon.

If repeated attempts to upload the file fail, you may have to convert the file into another format to get it to upload.  Irfanview is a popular conversion tool, but it's not very easy to use.  I use PNGout (the free command-line version) to strip useless data from the files, which also makes them much smaller.

10-15-2006 11:08:21

A member at my oekaki tried uploading a picture, but all he get's is a red cross.

I tried making a new thumbnail but it didn't work, and I tried uploading from my computer, but I got the same. The picture is in PNG format.


EDIT: It's not just the uploads. Someone else' pikku did the same thing. D:

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