Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.
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Argh... no, now I know what's wrong.
FunPic now has a word filter system in place. When certain words are used, the server outright rejects all the data sent to the server, and the functions file doesn't know what to do, hence, it returns "No Mode."
I tried editing your notice, but I have a suspicion that certain links (ie. PhotoBucket) are causing the problem. As FunPic is a popular host for oekakis, I'll have to look into what their word filtering policy is and what words/services are flagged.
Hmm... it's possible the No Mode thing was just a bad link. If the problem isn't reproducable, there's probably no sense worrying about it.
The notice and other editable files (like templates) should all work, now.
It's a random issue with the picture.. It hasn't happened again! ^^
Ok, I will mail my FTP now! ^^
If you'd like some help fixing the notice, I can do that. I would need you to e-mail me your FTP login to do that.
As for the database, I'm not really sure what's going on, here. This doesn't really sound like a database corruption issue. You said you had the problem posting on "a" certain picture. Is only one picture causing the problem, or is it more of a random thing? I didn't have any trouble posting new pictures or comments when I visited the board.
I feel very pathetic, but..I cannot preform technical things on oekakis..
I fixed the coding, so there are no chracters signifying what you showed..
If I may ask, but would you like the details to the MySQL data base?
Just notify me or something at, i_is_kiba@hotmail.com..
I will give you the details in personal... ^^
Which picture is having the problem? I registered, and I'm not having any trouble commenting on pictures, or drawing new ones.
Oops, concerning the notice, the file in question is "notice.php", not "announce.php". I have to remind myself that the news is not "news.php", but "announce.php". Sometimes, I get the notice and news confused. In any case, unlocking the notice file is the same as the directions I gave above. Do you have problems with other files, like your config files and banner?
BTW, there's a syntax error in your notice. Double quotes for the font color do not match. They look identical, but one is a standard double quote, the other is a UTF encoded version. One of your text editors may have messed it up:
<font color="#000000" size="2"><div align="center">
<b>~Hound Oekaki Rules~</div>
Also, I tried it on my other oekakis that I have hosted, it comes up with the same message..
Is it something to do with my IP?
Ok, thankyou Waccoon!
I really don't understand files on oekakis, but I can only install them..
I will try turning of guest posting..
As for the notice, I will look at the files! ^^
Thankyou though!
That's bizarre. "No Mode" happens when no command is send to the functions file.
If guest posting is turned on, and you're logged out, do you still have the same problem?
I might need a link to your board to figure out more details.
As for the notice, usually it's because the actual notice file "announce.php" is locked. From the admin menu, go to the notice editor, and copy whatever you already have to a text file on your computer. Delete the "announce.php" file from the server. Then, try to edit the notice again. If that doesn't work (file is locked), rename the text file on your computer to "announce.php", upload it to the server, and CHMOD it to 664.
Ok, so when I post a comment on "a" certain picture, it comes up with a message saying "No Mode"..
I can't edit the notice either..
Is there anything you can do Wac?
Or sombody?