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09-02-2006 21:46:25

No, this is what you should use:


// Failsafe, or disable (default)
// $cookie_path = '';

// For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
$cookie_path = '/';

// Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
// $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

I forgot, if you are logged in when you make the changes, you will not be able to log out, because the board cannot erase browser cookies once the cookie path has been changed.  Most people should log out first, though that information isn't in the hacks file.

It seems like 50% of the problems people have with the board can be solved by clearing browser cookies.  wink  I really need to get my butt in gear and keep working on v2.0.

BTW, to clear cookies:

Internet Explorer
Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Cookies

Tools -> Clear Private Data

Tools -> Delete Private Data

Doom Fox
09-02-2006 10:19:49

Aphro-06 wrote:

i have the boards installed and i only have to login once for each one bt now i cant log out x.x

Then try using

    $cookie_path = '/';

09-01-2006 20:50:54

i have the boards installed and i only have to login once for each one bt now i cant log out x.x

Doom Fox
09-01-2006 17:29:56

Aphro-06 wrote:

ok so for each board  i'd have:

// Failsafe, or disable (default)
    $cookie_path = '';

    // For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
    // $cookie_path = '';

    // Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
    // $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

in hacks.php?

I think you have to give the value of the cookie on the first one, the other ones are just comments, only the first statement declares the value of the $cookie_path.


// Failsafe, or disable (default)
    $cookie_path = '';

    // For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
    // $cookie_path = '/';

    // Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
    // $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';
09-01-2006 11:41:49

ok so for each board  i'd have:

// Failsafe, or disable (default)
    $cookie_path = '';

    // For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
    // $cookie_path = '';

    // Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
    // $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

in hacks.php?

09-01-2006 05:19:02

Hmm... that's really all there is to it.  You install your first board as normal.  The second board is installed in its own folder, just like normal, except the memberlist database prefix must match the one used on the first board, and the main database prefix must be different from that one used on the first board.  That shares the memberlist only between the two boards, but not the pictures and comments.

Oh yeah, the avatars folder on the second board must point to the avatars folder on the first board, too.  But, that can be changed in the control panel after installation if you forget it.  What you type in is shown in the installer.

As for sharing the login, yes, you must edit the hacks.php file.  Here are the lines you have to change:


// Failsafe, or disable (default)
$cookie_path = '';

// For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
// $cookie_path = '/';

// Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
// $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

The second option is what you want, since FunPic uses subdomains.  So, add two forward slashes to the first $cookie_path, and remove them on the second, so you end up with this:


// Failsafe, or disable (default)
// $cookie_path = '';

// For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
$cookie_path = '/';

// Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
// $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

Copy this new hacks.php file to BOTH boards.

No, it's not a very clean solution, but that's why they're called hacks.  wink

08-31-2006 11:45:21

I've tried. But it didnt work so i've signed up for a new username at funpic so i can start over without any problems. i havent started anything yet, all ive done is make the account. i dont want to mess up on this one.

And if i want it so the members dont have to re-login in each board? I understand that u have to do something in the cookies part in hack.php but i have no idea what to put when i do it and everytime i do it never works so i end up getting rid of all my boards and trying to start over >.<

08-31-2006 04:34:41

Do you already have a board installed?  You can add additional boards at any time, but removing extra boards later might cause damage to your main board if you make a mistake.  It is a good idea to do it in one go, though, just in case something goes wrong.  You obviously don't want to damage an existing board.

Wacintaki (unfortunately) requires you to have two seperate installations of each board, so you'll have two completely seperate boards, each with their own files.  Your first board might be in the "oekaki/" folder, while the second could be "practice/".  Each board has its own copy of the language, resource, and templates folders, and will create its own pictures and avatars folders.

Upon the installation of the second board, though, you simply change around one of the database table prefixes.  The database member prefix, which contains the member profiles, should be the same for both boards (default is "op_").  The database prefix must be different for each board, so one board might have "op_", while the other has "op2_".

Basicly, installing a second board is identical to installing the first board, except the database table prefix is different than the default value in the installer.

08-30-2006 09:59:28

I want to host multiple boards on my oekaki. But I'm getting confused doing it. Would I need to create additional FTP accounts for each board or no? And if possible can someone just walk me through the whole process because I feel extremely oekaki-retarded

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