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06-18-2006 21:03:50

arlight, they look like there on. Though, how do I keep it from disconnecting?

06-09-2006 01:13:02

I found passive mode, I just cant seem to find Keep Alive

06-08-2006 04:03:30

Dropped and stalled connections are pretty common when using FTP programs, unfortunately.  Most FTP programs will use two features to reduce the likliness of dropped connections.  Look around for features called "Passive Move" (or "PASV"), and "Keep Alive".  By default, they should be on, but you may want to make sure.

06-08-2006 00:46:16

Ahalya wrote:

were might the global thing be located in smartftp?

Under the view menu,
choose toolbars,
then transfers.

Then it's something like this:
In the transfers section you can probably drag and drop the files to Queue Source, then drag and drop them from there to your server, then in the global queue click play.

edit: then drag and drop them from there to your server

06-08-2006 00:05:16

were might the global thing be located in smartftp?

06-07-2006 23:24:49

Try the "Global queue" in SmartFTP, it will let you continue where you left off including a partial transfer after a disconnect (if your server lets you resume files).  Get the Global queue open, drag and drop the files into the global queue, then drag and drop them into your server directory, and finally hit the play button in the global queue.

06-07-2006 22:56:24

okay so I fiannly got in, and I dragged the oekaki folder into the smartftp and it was connecting, but after awhile it stops and says disconnected. more help? ^^

06-07-2006 18:47:07

alrighty, Ill give it a try. thanks!

06-07-2006 05:13:40

Never mind.  I'm setting up someone else's FunPic database, and found out that you have to enable the database, first.  To do that, go to The MySQL Activation Screen.  That will make a database with the same name as your username.  Your database username and password are the same as your regular FunPic name and password.  So, when setting up the installer:

Host:  localhost
Database:  (FunPic name)
Username:  (FunPic name)
Password:  (FunPic password)

06-07-2006 04:59:39

On your server, you only appear to have a blank file called "Oekaki.html".  I assume this was set up by some homepage building software, as you can't connect with FTP yet.

To connect with FTP, you need to type in JUST the name of the server into the FTP program.  This might be "" or "" or "" or "  It depends how the subdomain was set up and how fussy your FTP client is.  One of those four should work.  The login name and password should be the same as the ones you were given when you signed up for the account.  The default FTP port should be 21.  With those four bits of information -- host, username, password, and port number -- any FTP program should be able to make a connection, even if it puts you into the wrong default folder.

Once you're connected, you need to make a folder for the oekaki, which can be any name you like, and you should delete the Oekaki.html file.

As for creating the database, that's a whole different issue.  You'll need to consult your server documentation, or just browse the server control panel.  A tool related to "MySQL" or "SQL databases" is what you want.  Then, follow the directions I've written here (post #7).

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