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[2045] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Touching Where The Sun Shines, Part 3 | Time: 3h 11m
Pic #35
(Click to enlarge)

NaniMoose @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 2:42 AM
Woo, I am finished, and so is he! Sure that's a big load but keep in mind they've been keepin' at it for three days.
Mathias @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 3:24 AM
Thats hot! Nicely done!
milknhoney @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 3:40 AM
<:P Nice work! Sexzzzy
dragonfly @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 7:38 AM
This is awesome. And you can never have too much cum.

Hey Nani,

When you do the linework, what pen are you using, at what size and what clarity? Your lines look pen/pencil quality, and looking at the animations it doesn't look like you're doing the draw line/erase edges method.
Lexiness @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 9:44 AM
Omfg! This is sexy and awesome. Xo *envies your god-like talents!*
NaniMoose @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 11:23 AM
Thanks everyone!
Dragonly, to ink I use the Pen tool (in Shi-Paint classic or pro) which makes nice antialiased lines without any fuss. For consistant lines I usually use it at 1px and near full alpha, but here I used the JTablet extension to get pressure sensitivity alpha from about 50-100%. I also go over the important lines more than once, which gives them a little more thickness.
Kappy @ Wednesday, June 15th 2005, 3:24 PM
Simply beautiful! I have to say that I've adored this set of pictures, and they've been saved so i can continue admiring them at a later time.
Great job ^^
PonyGuy @ Friday, June 17th 2005, 6:55 PM
REEALLY enjoy the animation on this one. I get a hint of a lot going on that I don't quite understand. Alas, I can't get jTablet to work for me despite repeated installs, reboots, etc. :(
Oenone @ Thursday, July 7th 2005, 12:19 PM
Bewb sex AND spooginess, two of my gavs! rock on. XD

[2009] Artist: Miellaby | Title: try learning to draw | Time: 2h 23m
Pic #586
(Click to enlarge)

[View Animation]
Miellaby @ Thursday, June 9th 2005, 8:53 AM
I got DSL net access, bad side-effects on my day life. lurking and prOn and comics night by night.
I appreciated Kacey's posts on VCL though. I wish I found a picture-based social bookmarks serice so I could highlight my prefered pics here and there.
I fell useless. Luckily noone else care.
I should concencrate on my new job or take care of my family better. But I cant help myself thinking most of my time about world-wide issues... I secretly think I could be more usefull as a political predicator. You know... breaking free market ideology, struggle for life myth, stupid utility functions and so on.
Dejection @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 11:43 PM
I love your stuff but I wish you would submit things that were more completed. =/
Miellaby @ Friday, May 27th 2005, 3:11 PM
I'll retouch it. I promize.
Miellaby @ Thursday, June 2nd 2005, 8:11 PM
The result is abslolutly poor. I'm esxausted with all these f*** tools. But I learn few things at least. I think I'll be able to colorize much faster soon.
Sabine @ Thursday, June 9th 2005, 8:55 AM
Bumped because I figure not as many people saw it finished, which would be a damned shame.

Anyone else have images that they went back and worked on? Not saying I'll bump all of them, only if there has been a significant and noticable change. Not like you tweaked the highlights on the nose . . . like if it was black and white, but is now colored, that kind of thing.

PM me and let me know!
Dejection @ Thursday, June 9th 2005, 6:09 PM
I have one I'm in the process of working on which will probably be finished today.

[1990] Artist: bukefalos | Title: hearse wagon | Time: 14m 34s
Pic #568

bukefalos @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 2:21 PM
passing time.

I would love to have SEAN WOLFES opinion on this...
ReMz @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 2:34 PM
Non non non Monsieur! pas bon eurk! look at ze legs! zugly!
Tuxapotamus @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 2:45 PM
I love the sharp, thin neck and blinkers. Horse necks are so awesome. Very nice sense of depth, and I love the stark black-and-white
Sabine @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 2:47 PM
Goddamn, despite the fact that my neighbor views this page with the blue background, I never fail to comment under his name. You'd think that seeing the website in blue instead of yellow would tip me off but noooo!!! I'm dense, haha.

Hope my opinion means something, even though I know you are really craving attention from our dear SW.
Corax @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 9:56 PM
They use black horses for hearses, right? Other n' that, I like the ink study-ish feel.
starpixie @ Saturday, June 4th 2005, 11:44 PM
This is incredibly elegant, and absolutely perfect.

I looove you.
Calli @ Sunday, June 5th 2005, 8:53 AM
this is style. you impress me more with each oekaki.
milknhoney @ Monday, June 6th 2005, 3:03 PM
Cool work! Nice bone structure on horses. ///^..^
Brentos @ Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 5:07 PM
Fuckin deadly! Perspective, anatomy, composition... awesome inking style! Oh Yeah!
Dejection @ Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 8:45 PM
I would also like to jump on the "this picture is awesome" train. It's not very often that I am impressed with black/white or sketch drawings, but this one...classy.
bukefalos @ Wednesday, June 8th 2005, 4:42 AM
Thanks alot :) I know they're traditinally supposed to be coal-black, but I reckoned white worked better here.
No one in particular @ Wednesday, June 8th 2005, 2:54 PM
I don't think a vote for archival would be remiss.

[1934] Artist: Seraph | Title: A new home | Time: 21m 57s
Pic #513

Seraph @ Wednesday, May 25th 2005, 11:22 PM
When hermit crabs outgrow their found shells, they go in search of a new, roomier one.

Beware the dread Cramster, lest it find you bare bottomed in the night.
ReMz @ Wednesday, May 25th 2005, 11:40 PM
eeeek!!! funny :)
stinkywigfiddle @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 2:02 AM
Oh man, That's the best thing I've seen in a while.
Chuck - [Homepage] @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 2:53 AM
Sweet mother mary of mercy. O_O

I fear for my o-ring. Cockrats are evil!
Xod @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 7:16 AM
First they made the ear-mouse, then they made the penis-mouse. What is next? When are these scientists going to stop? Hehe, funny picture! >:)
ReMz @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 9:01 AM
proclaiming that you are something automaticly invert that claim..-_-
katoryu diethel @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 4:01 PM
A homeless dick found a home, that's original :3
Dejection @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 4:33 PM
He can shack up in my place anytime.
Cirdan @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 5:20 PM
what Dejection said ^^;; wouldn't be so bad to have one visit one night right?
Johnny Electric @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 11:05 PM
Hahaha. Go Cramster!
Tha_Pig @ Friday, May 27th 2005, 1:16 AM
That would be a very popular pet...
Endeavour3d @ Friday, May 27th 2005, 4:18 AM
I just choked on my fries, thanks Seraph XD
Corax @ Saturday, May 28th 2005, 12:04 AM
Oh my god, I adore this.
Seraph @ Saturday, June 11th 2005, 3:43 AM
I just realized, this was my 100th picture on this Oekaki :)
pornthulhu @ Monday, September 22nd 2008, 2:45 PM
I knew they were up to something.. <_<

lol, awesome humor :P

[1924] Artist: Corax | Title: Arrgh! | Time: 15h 14m
Pic #503

[View Animation]
Corax @ Saturday, May 21st 2005, 4:03 PM
I'm still slow, and now Azraphale needs to use the computer.
Xod @ Sunday, May 22nd 2005, 8:09 AM
She has a nice body. <:)
straw @ Tuesday, May 24th 2005, 3:51 AM
i really like this, aand im suprised it didnt get more comments. her pose and expression are fantastic!

very talented work corax!
Corax @ Tuesday, May 24th 2005, 7:34 PM
Well, I'm figuring it's 'cause I'm not done yet. It'll probably be on page 3 by the time I'm done... :D

HURRRR @ Wednesday, May 25th 2005, 12:17 AM
I love it.
Samu3l K @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 2:52 AM
It reminds me of Princess Leia in the beginning of Return of the Jedi.

Xod @ Thursday, May 26th 2005, 7:18 AM
*nosebleeds* >:p~~~~
Azraphale @ Monday, May 30th 2005, 6:22 AM
Ooh! Ooh! Are you done with it now, despite it being on page 3? :D

A sexy corax (yes, she pretty much looks like that) conjuring butterflies.

Yum. This turns me on enough to climb into bed next to you and... <censored>
Corax @ Thursday, June 2nd 2005, 1:16 AM
...have wild ravishing monkey sex. Oh come on, this is the perverts' board, there's nothing we ain't heard before.

Done enough for government work. :P

[1919] Artist: Seraph | Title: Burning Skies. | Time: 3h 19m
Pic #498

Seraph @ Thursday, May 19th 2005, 2:25 AM
Some kind of nekkid goblin yoga as the sky falls.
This is for someone who requested a better look at the goblin feeties.
Hey look, bum!
*runs away*
Endeavour3d @ Thursday, May 19th 2005, 2:38 AM
That's hot, and I'm not even gay! I love the way you draw bodies, and feet, never stop drawing cool stuff.
Alfador @ Thursday, May 19th 2005, 4:25 PM
I happen to like freakishly long hair. ;D
Kappy @ Friday, May 20th 2005, 12:13 AM
Beautifully drawn! That foot is fantastic!! Just, wow!
stinkywigfiddle @ Friday, May 20th 2005, 2:44 AM
That's the side of the testicles you don't see very often. I don't, anyway. Lovely work.
Corax @ Saturday, May 21st 2005, 2:30 PM
My favorite angle! Aheheheh. >:)
Xod @ Sunday, May 22nd 2005, 8:08 AM
Nice bum view, hehe! >:D

[1913] Artist: straw | Title: No Title | Time: 4h 23m
Pic #491
(Click to enlarge)

ShiPainter Pro
straw @ Thursday, May 12th 2005, 3:32 AM
working on a collab... sorry! :-:


(Edited on May 12, 2005, 8:44 pm)
Xod @ Friday, May 13th 2005, 10:42 AM
Wow, they look so hot already! Mmmm... >:p~~~~
straw @ Friday, May 13th 2005, 10:18 PM
and done :D

thanks sooo much calli! this was a lot of fun, i must agree. you did an excellent job!!! i just wish my skills were more up to par with yours.
Xod @ Saturday, May 14th 2005, 12:13 AM
Haha! It turned out so great! I like the catgirl's tongue piercing and the human lady's face. Mmm, masturbation is so hot... I love them both. <:)
Calli @ Saturday, May 14th 2005, 8:03 AM
hehe, thank YOU! we definatly have to do this again sometime! :D

fish: its not just for catgirls anymore. XD
katoryu diethel @ Sunday, May 15th 2005, 2:28 AM
They look pretty nice :3 I like the cat girl expression, she look so cute :3, the lady's hair are really pretty too

[1906] Artist: Zexyz | Title: Happy Mother's Day!! | Time: 4h 33m
Pic #483

Zexyz @ Sunday, May 8th 2005, 11:21 PM

Yes, the coloring is screwed up, but I couldn't unscrew it. :P
Jazzpirate @ Sunday, May 8th 2005, 11:51 PM
heh, I remember that one! nice!
ReMz @ Monday, May 9th 2005, 1:34 AM
Lol nice drawing,, that movie was so freaking funny!!! ROFL
Ruphia @ Monday, May 9th 2005, 6:43 PM
I love his logic. She fucks his boss, he fucks her mom.

It makes perfect sense to me.

[1855] Artist: Dm | Title: Scene 5 | Time: 8h 5m
Pic #432

[View Animation]
Dm @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 4:19 AM
Quaker Vallery (via Oats Drive)

3:33 pm

(Edited on April 25, 2005, 9:08 pm)
ShadowWalkerInc @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 9:54 AM
Tha_Pig @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 7:48 PM
Xod @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 9:02 PM
This looks fantastic. It has a pixelized grace. Very beautiful landscape. |:P
Calli @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 9:25 PM
this is so amazing. i particularly love the cloudshadows. excellent!
straw @ Monday, April 25th 2005, 11:09 PM
amazing sense of detail and depth. you have a helluvalot of patience. excellent!
milknhoney @ Tuesday, April 26th 2005, 9:48 PM
Oooo Ahhh! That is breathtaking! :p
Azu - [Homepage] @ Wednesday, April 27th 2005, 12:59 AM
Reminds me of this guy's similar stuff on Fearsome Oekaki - wasn't there a nighttime cityscape with this guy on an eerily similar motorcycle? Or was that actually here?
Miellaby @ Wednesday, April 27th 2005, 4:45 PM
@azu: as said in the title, it may be the fifth picture here and there featuring such a motorbike trip.

IMHO the consistency of this chain is a great job.

[1835] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Pleasure and Pain | Time: unknown
Pic #412
(Click to enlarge)

NaniMoose @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 6:45 PM
When I first saw that sketch by Miel, I misread the massive blushing crosshatches on the girl as an open mouth. I decided to keep it that way because it's somehow sexier to me, and I love drawing open mouths.

I submit for your perusal the screaming orgasm. Enjoy!

(Uploaded by NaniMoose)
Xod @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 6:55 PM
Great work from both of you. Trully amazing, hehehe! >:D
PyroAnubis @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 6:59 PM
Very nice. I like the open mouth, screaming orgasm/pain thing too. Its like: "Owwwwww,ooh yess, yess, ye-owwwwww."

(Edited on April 17, 2005, 7:00 pm)
Calli @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 7:01 PM
you two make a freakin fantastic team. i hope do more collabs in the future. :3
Sabine @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 7:43 PM
MORE PLZ KTHX @_____@'''''

Holy wow. Although I gotta admit, I liked the mouth on on Miel's original, because they both looked just so hot and into each other and in this erotically passionate moment. This is a little more like pr0n. Does that make any sense? Still awesome!!!!!
Seraph @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 9:03 PM
I wonder what they are... I vote wallaby-otters. :) They have little round feet and sharp teeth like mustelids, but a definate 'roo-type tail and butt shape.
GunnyDogg @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 9:22 PM
To Seraph> The boy is a wallaby (miellaby's favorite character) the girl is probably a wolf.
Seraph @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 9:45 PM
She doesn't look even vaguely wolflike to me o_O
NaniMoose @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 10:22 PM
Yeah, I figured they were both kangawallabyroothings.
Jazzpirate @ Sunday, April 17th 2005, 11:13 PM
I dunno what the hell they are, but the expressions and position looks mightly fun! good work, some wonderfull skills!
stinkywigfiddle @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 2:55 AM
That's some quality work.
Miellaby @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 3:04 AM
Oh my, I'm dreaming!
Ready for the market. When do we publish the first issue?

To complete what's Sabine explained in a very sensitive way, I'd say Nanimoose work hides the european influence of my contribution :);) tee-hee!
Dejection @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 3:47 AM
Unrelated, but everyone go here:
Helena @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 5:07 AM
to the unrelated link: Agh! that's the kind of stuff that makes me consider to stop drawing furries. As for the drawing, i like the open mouth.. wild look to match the wild things going on down there.
Xod @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 6:03 AM
Anal lovemaking is so romantic... <:)
Lando @ Monday, April 18th 2005, 11:47 PM
Very nice coloration by teh moose. Sylistically, I like Miel's original best - they really do look "into eachother."
Johnny Electric @ Tuesday, April 19th 2005, 2:32 AM
Personally I'm a huge fan of the open mouth, it adds that extra element of anal suprise. Not that I didn't like the first drawing, I did, it was train full of cool, hit a tanker truck full of awsome that stalled on the tracks. Great work all around.
Endeavour3d @ Tuesday, April 19th 2005, 3:38 AM
Sexy, Nani and Miel's styles certainly go well together.
Kappy @ Wednesday, April 20th 2005, 9:44 PM
To the unrelated link:
oh god! I know one of them!! *SHAME!SHAME!*
bfaynl1bi4 - [Homepage] @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 12:28 PM
p0u9krkk blw0rlbqbjna21ie
bfaynl1bi4 - [Homepage] @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 12:29 PM
zcpkk1klprzcpkk1klpr <a href="">6mcvccba8v</a> 1217203178
No one in particular @ Sunday, July 27th 2008, 4:39 PM
I love that the spambot brought this particular piece back to the top. :D

[1790] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: PDP | Time: 3h 37m
Pic #364

[View Animation]

NaniMoose @ Sunday, April 3rd 2005, 11:27 PM
Stupid crossovers, you say? I got yer stupid crossover RIGHT HERE!!

If I had free time, I'd already be making a comic where Pichu whores out Birdo and Fifi to various other corporate characters. It could only be great, I tell you!!
straw @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 12:25 AM
confessions of a cartoon pimp. i love this, pika get that money! i think that comic idea would be funny too. you could make one like robert deniro since he likes ot be spanked. the ideas go on and on.
Xod @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 12:28 AM
Haha, very nice characters! Pichu-pimp looks very cute! >:D~
ArmedWithLuck @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 12:42 AM
Birdo shemale in the house!
Calli @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 10:37 AM
pichu is a badass. hehe, this is just too awesome.
Brentos @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 11:23 AM
*laughs out loud* ('ve been doing that a lot lately...)

This is just too cool. But it's so tragic to see how Fifi's life turned out after her carreer came to an end. I predict she's going to go off the deep end and be arrested for shoplifting from a drugstore or having a loaded gun in her 1993 Ford Escort. It's sad. She could have settled down.

katoryu diethel @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 1:09 PM
Birdo was my fave dragqueen when I was a little girl (...Hmm...I'm still a little girl...but only for some persons ;__;)
Endeavour3d @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 1:25 PM
Nani wins the internet.
SoreThumb @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 2:19 PM
Great job, Nani.. I dunno what to say! I almost expect nice stuff from you now. :p
Cloven @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 5:24 PM
Dejection @ Monday, April 4th 2005, 7:55 PM
NaniMoose wins at life
Helena @ Wednesday, April 6th 2005, 5:38 AM
I can't stop staring at the little peen.. i want to touch it.
Memphis @ Wednesday, April 6th 2005, 12:27 PM
Lexiness @ Tuesday, June 7th 2005, 11:02 AM
Sexy French skunk-ette from Tiny Toons. Whoo! Make some Fifi le Fume & Babs Bunny pr0n. >D

[1710] Artist: Zexyz | Title: Hello | Time: 3h 8m
Pic #276

[View Animation]

Zexyz @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 12:51 AM
So yeah, I dunno if any of y'all remember me from CaveDeli's board as Z-Tig, but here's my introducing myself...
No one in particular @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 1:03 AM
Tale Spin taking a nose dive into darkness. Yikes.

Nice job.
Eira @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 1:36 AM
This is way too awesome.
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 2:15 AM
Tarantino got to direct Tale Spin...

Great artwork, by the way!
CyborgSunglasses @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 2:34 AM
Oo. My childhood.
In other word, "Wow!"
Xod @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 5:24 AM
Are they making love? <:)
Helena @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 1:23 PM
Oh my.. I didn't notice that this picture also had a grid background. Sorry 'bout that. o.<, This picture is fun. I wonder why she's killing him though?
Brentos @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 2:34 PM
I don't remember anything from The Smut Oekaki, which is probably a good thing, However I do remember you from somewhere. it must have been some waccy place. Good to see you again Oh Yeah!
katoryu diethel @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 3:58 PM
Nice, the expression of the tiger is perfect, the shading too D:!
Waccoon @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 5:55 PM
That'll teach you to skip payment for your Girl Scout cookies!
Sabine @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 6:01 PM
Teh best anime sequence EVER!!!!

I wonder what else that animation team worked on? That fucker got what he deserved thogh. I love when the two guys bust in and she's just sitting there, drenched in blood. And this is FUCKING FUNNY, HAHAHA! Becky and shere khan . . . rofl. You should draw grown up becky as o-ren.
Anonymous Veiwer 3 @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 6:38 PM
Hehehehehehe. She was a good pupil, anything for power and revenge. Ah, it warms the bowels of my . . . heart? Do hearts have bowels?
Anonymous Veiwer 3 @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 6:42 PM
Oh, and Sabine? That's not Becky, Becky is the adult one. This is Molly, the child one. I think Sher Khan finally got sick of Baloo and Becky ruining his plans and had them killed in front of Molly-girl. I wonder where Kit is?

Still lurv this.
GunnyDogg @ Wednesday, March 9th 2005, 7:24 PM
This is too funny and a great picture.
ChuckSux @ Thursday, March 10th 2005, 2:52 AM
Nice Kill Bill Vol. 1 reference! I can't believe this came out so super cool considering the characters ^_^
Eira @ Thursday, March 10th 2005, 4:47 AM
You know, Shere Kon allways struck me as a pedophile when I was a kid too.
Dj MetALIKat @ Saturday, March 12th 2005, 7:58 PM
I belive th team that worked on The sequence from Kill Bill (Production I.G.?)
allso did some work on Evangellion and F.L.C.L. . Although i might be wrong.

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