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[8035] Artist: Miellaby | Title: HeavyPaint | Time: 1h 40m
Pic #5190
(Click to enlarge)

Miellaby @ Sunday, May 22nd 2022, 6:02 PM
Self indulgence
Brentos @ Saturday, May 28th 2022, 3:49 AM
I knew it! Even guy-kangaroos have a pouch. Excellent colouring and I'm jealous of your style I say I must say!
pinderhooks @ Sunday, May 29th 2022, 6:21 PM
pretty neat! kangaroos are always a favourite~
Coon @ Saturday, July 2nd 2022, 12:44 AM
Self indulgence is the best! What a lovely portrait! And the texture is so tactile.

[8034] Artist: Brentos | Title: Stonewall | Time: 2h 21m
Pic #5189
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, May 21st 2022, 5:24 AM
Stonewall's a character I haven't drawn in a LONG time. Stonewall's a 'long-life-cycle product if I must say so. He's built to last.

(Edited on May 21, 2022, 9:32 pm)
pinderhooks @ Sunday, May 29th 2022, 6:10 PM
Brings to mind the Speed Buggy cartoon :D
Brentos @ Sunday, June 5th 2022, 10:25 PM
OMG Speed Buggy was totally my favourite way back then. I loved that show so much I was drawing him all the time. A few years ago I looked up some clips from the show and actually thought it was kind of corny the way he would talk but when you're a kid it was just hilarious.
Tha_Pig @ Friday, June 17th 2022, 12:52 PM
Freaking Epic!
Coon @ Saturday, July 2nd 2022, 12:46 AM
Who put the antifreeze in my carburetor? Security never stood a chance! This is really great!

[8033] Artist: Brentos | Title: Fucking Sinfest Baby | Time: 1h 9m
Pic #5188
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, May 14th 2022, 8:05 AM
I was pretty much wasted when I drew this so I came back to delete the cringeness but it doesn't look that bad so I just deleted my drunk-rant. Oh my Xod why do I do that?

I like Sinfest even though I don't always agree with it, the same way I like Bill Maher's opinions most of the time... And sometimes it's hilarious I say!

(Edited on May 14, 2022, 4:45 pm)
Waccoon @ Sunday, May 15th 2022, 5:42 AM
Man... that moment you realize an old web comic is still around.

[8032] Artist: Brentos | Title: V For Villian | Time: 49m 24s
Pic #5187
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Saturday, May 7th 2022, 6:44 AM
pinderhooks @ Thursday, May 12th 2022, 9:36 PM
I don't think 20 years is far enough back to find THAT joke funny :crazy:
Brentos @ Saturday, May 14th 2022, 4:50 PM
I know! But just think how many people are gonna make the exact same joke in the next twenty years! :D :D :D :D

[8031] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: More practice | Time: 24m 10s
Pic #5186
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Tha_Pig @ Friday, April 22nd 2022, 3:18 AM
I have no idea...
pinderhooks @ Friday, April 22nd 2022, 5:40 PM
Aw, what a gorgeous smile! It's always nice seeing some fresh Pig doodles :)
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 4:17 AM
Your move, scalies. He just spit in your eye, are you just gonna sit there and take this?

[8030] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: No idea, just doodling | Time: 27m 34s
Pic #5185
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Tha_Pig @ Friday, April 22nd 2022, 2:37 AM
I need to relearn how to draw digitally
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 4:24 AM
"I thought we built that Hadrian's Wall to keep them McDonalds outa here".
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 4:49 AM
Sorry, that comment was a bust. It's Laurel and Hardee's.
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 5:23 AM
SWM burger king seeking fun-loving modern dairy queen who likes good times and long-lasting rocks on the beach. No tacos!

[8029] Artist: pinderhooks | Title: Deep Thinking Lurkers | Time: 33m 6s
Pic #5184
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
pinderhooks @ Monday, April 18th 2022, 9:11 PM
Apparently I have an underground tunnel from the Earth to the moon. Pretty sweet! Just don't ask me how it works..
Waccoon @ Tuesday, April 19th 2022, 1:00 AM
Big deal. Snails were on the moon first!
pinderhooks @ Friday, April 22nd 2022, 5:45 PM
Nah, the snails just stole the moon from the native slugs! The slugs had superior numbers but the snails proved to be too fast for them~
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 6:04 AM
Snails are actually no 'faster' (or even more 'mollusk-ular') than slugs but they did have the advantage of geography on their side. Read Jared Diamond's Bugs, Worms And Snails. Diamond developed his theory after being asked by a slug, "Why do we slugs have so little while snails have so much S-Cargo?", the book explains it all.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, May 3rd 2022, 7:51 AM
"The Lurker in the Moon" would make a good title for a Lovecraft story

[8028] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: I never left | Time: 10m 32s
Pic #5183
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, April 16th 2022, 8:52 AM
Even if I don't post a lot, I still visit this place all the time. This used to be my "social network" before mainstream social networks took over the internet and sucked the fun out of it. This board holds a great deal of nostalgic significance for me.
Waccoon @ Tuesday, April 19th 2022, 12:59 AM
Ground Pig is watching you masturbate.

How's that for nostalgia? 8)
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 6:11 AM
LOL this pic is so similar to the other it's more like ground-HOG day, right? Am I right?
Miellaby @ Thursday, April 28th 2022, 5:37 PM
Excellent. I hope you're doing well Pavel.

[8026] Artist: Miellaby | Title: Long time no see | Time: 31m 51s
Pic #5181

Chicken Paint
Miellaby @ Sunday, April 3rd 2022, 3:21 PM
Feeling very nostalgic today
pinderhooks @ Monday, April 4th 2022, 12:04 AM
Hi yourself! Come out of that closet and we can all be nostalgic together :D Here's a doozy: Remember those chewy Fruit Bars snacks? They used to advertise them on TV in the 80s with the tagline "Fruit Bars: So good, they're ugly!" I'm not even kidding, like wtf were they thinking when they came up with that one? Now that's some good nostalgia!
Waccoon @ Monday, April 4th 2022, 5:38 AM
Every day is nostalgia day!

*goes back to eating fiber supplement*

Seriously, isn't it cool when you realize a web site from 20 years ago is still online? It's kind of a shame how, lately, the Internet does seem to forget a lot of stuff.
Miellaby @ Monday, April 4th 2022, 2:23 PM
I respect your work here a lot Waccoon. I remember wondering if I could have set up such a site on my own. Now that I'm a senior developer, I'm even less sure about that.

I read your rant on FA. It made me think I'm nostalgic about the time artists maintained an internet presence for no venal reason. Now everyone is making a business of their stuff, YCH, patreon, streaming, you name it...

It's been said it proves the Fandom is on the verge on becoming main stream. I guess newcomers don't feel like they are weirdos anymore. But is it a good thing? I mean, 20 years ago, the probability two furries shared a lot of personal traits was way higher than now: most were introverts, lonely, cerebral, creative, artistic, open-minded. Now kids can literally buy a full furry kit from a furry market. I know this is just an old gray muzle rant but I can't help myself thinking it's the beginning of the end.
Waccoon @ Wednesday, April 6th 2022, 3:10 AM
Yeah, commercial exploitation has always been a thing on the Internet, but it was always companies that were doing it and spamming everyone with their pop-ups. Now ordinary people -- everyone and their grandma -- are spamming everywhere. I'm really sick of the endless "reminders" and teaser thumbnails that just try to redirect me to a Twitter account or Patreon. The Internet isn't just a hobby for people anymore, and it's not as fun as it used to be.

As for furry, well... I don't think it will ever go mainstream. When I watch TV, movies, or YouTube, I see a lot of cartoon animals but not much that really qualifies with what the fandom identifies as "furry". Some major standouts include Zootopia and Sly Cooper, but that doesn't happen often. Fursuiting will definitely never go mainstream. 8)
Brentos @ Sunday, April 10th 2022, 1:52 AM
Furries will be mainstream when they start having fursuiters in TV commercials advertising fruit bars and stuff, which will probably be never. Or maybe when our spellcheckers stop seeing 'fursuit' as a spelling mistake! But regardless, the establishment will always keep making things that appeal to furries because they know there's such a large part of the population that will lay down their dough for such things. They just have to avoid the label of 'furry' so as not to scare away the normals. Trekkies and superhero nerds etc are mainstream now but only because there's not so much of the 'creep factor' attached to those fandoms, even though there's plenty of 'creepy' fans for all of it, take Simpsons porn for example.
Maybe in the future as personal privacy starts to disappear at an even more alarming rate people will be more like 'oh, you're into naked bunny-chicks. No big deal I'm into hobbits!'. Who knows? The permafrost is melting releasing 250 million years worth of sequestered carbon so none of this really matters anyhow.
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, April 16th 2022, 8:56 AM
Hi, Miellaby! So nice to see another old regular in these places.

[8025] Artist: Brentos | Title: Purrractice Makes Purrrrfect #1 | Time: 2h 30m
Pic #5180
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Friday, April 1st 2022, 6:14 AM
Just trying to improve my stuffos by trying to draw like Jack Kirby. The only real drawing instructions I've ever really used is that of George Trosley of CARtoons magazine. Everything else I've 'learned' is just from copying other artists I've enjoyed since I was a kid. Artists like Don Martin, Jack Davis, Sal Buscema, Jim Roslof, Dave Trampier, Steven Gallacci and of course Frank Miller! Obviously none of my stuff looks anything like those guys' but I like to think I've remembered things from them that has stuck in the back of my head. Lately I've been reading Jack Kirby's old Kamandi comics and realized I've never tried to copy anything he drew, which is amazing because I've always been nuts for his art and he was probably the most groundbreaking artist in all of comics history. Before he started drawing there were lots of good artists but when he came along he changed all comics forever.
So here's my version of some Kirby art! Lucifer Sam's pose is from Kamandi #18 and the background is from Kamandi #11. I'll try to colour this later FUCK I think it actually looks pretty decent! :)
pinderhooks @ Sunday, April 3rd 2022, 11:45 PM
Hey I didn't know you were such a big fan of The King! But it's easy to tell from this picture who you were homage-ing, I mean that dude loved drawing weird machinery, energy dots and heroes in wide stances throwing out dramatic arm gestures. Well, you missed drawing the funky machinery in the background, but you've nailed everything else :p Tbh I don't know much about Kamandi but I did enjoy Kirby's run on the Marvel books. Did you ever see that Fantastic Four comic where Dr. Doom walks into the Marvel offices and takes Stan Lee and Kirby hostage? Talk about your 4th wall breaks!
Brentos @ Sunday, April 10th 2022, 2:55 AM
Never saw that but I still have my Obnoxio The Clown Vs The X-Men which is probably on this website...

Hopefully I get around to trying out some of Kirby's machinery, everything he did was so over-the-top exciting, definitely the poses he drew for the characters. He had such an influence on superhero comics but it kind of blows me away how many otherwise good artists would get the feel of his art but wouldn't draw their characters in such dynamic poses. Even when Kirby would draw someone just standing there he would still have the top of the guy's chest leaning towards the viewer or whatever. He would never have someone looking 'static' or 'mannequin-like'. He had the vision to always draw people with anatomical foreshortening. Hopefully I keep the motivation to copy some more of his stuff.

Another artist that hugely influenced me was Vaughn Bode, he's probably the reason I stopped trying to draw 'realistic' characters and went strictly cartoony. He was the one that showed me you can make 'serious' adult comics drawn in a cartoonish way, that changed everything for me.
Two other artists that I've always admired but never really tried to emulate are John Romita from the EARLY Spidermans for his awesome panel compositions and storyboarding and Dave Cockrum for bringing both Marvel and DC to the next level in character design. I think Storm was originally meant to be one of the Teen Titans or something. He created a whole new style for the more spectacular characters that for some reason didn't seem too tacky, at least for the time. Before him all of the new 'fancy' superheroes were looking kind of ridiculous...
Brentos @ Friday, April 15th 2022, 2:07 AM
pinderhooks @ Monday, April 18th 2022, 8:28 PM
Wait, Larry freakin' Hama created that nasty clown character?? So how come he never showed up in GI Joe? :lol:

And Dave Cockrum, I only know of him from his work on Legion of Superheroes, although most of my Legion collection is of the reboot Legion from the 90s. I know the Legion is so darn corny but idk, I just love it for some reason! One of my favourite comics series for sure <3

As for my favourite artists (since you asked so nicely!) I'd say Neal Adams, Alan Davis, Brett Blevins, those guys just draw beautiful & heroic human figures, Blevins especially excels at bringing the sexy cheesecake to the table :gamer: But I'm also a fan of Denys Cowan even though his figures are definitely drawn in a less refined manner. I would describe his style as "chunky," if that makes sense!
Brentos @ Saturday, April 23rd 2022, 7:32 AM
Legion Of Superheroes! That's what Dave Cockrum drew! For some reason I was thinking Teen Titans, I was more into the Marvels back then. Neal Adams is one of the all-time masters but he's so good he's right up there with Frank Frazetta, I wouldn't even TRY to emulate his stuff! I don't even remember Alan Davis but then again I was kind of out of the comic scene around that time, I found the storytelling of comics had really gone downhill for many comics about that time, everybody was dying and then coming back to life and shit. Everybody seemed to have a sword or a gun and was a blood-thirsty killer. Every team had some kind of spaceship or someone who could teleport everyone to the next battle or whatever, it just struck me as lazy writing. But anyhow!... checking out Alan's art and yeah, very VERY nice to look at, I love how he even would draw Wolverine as a bit of a sloppy-goof-off kind of comedy character and not always as the hardened warrior who's 'seen too much'. I bet if he was around in the early eighties he would have been remembered as one of the masters of that time. I really admire his traditional clean lines which have a recognizable style.
Brett Blevins though I definenately remember! I'm not even into skinny chicks but he mastered the art of the butt and always seemed to show nipples in all of the chick-superheroes. I was always amazed how his stuff got past the censors but I'm glad it did. One of my nerdy comic friends called him Butt Blevins! I will never forget his art let me tell you. :gamer:

I don't remember Denys Cowan either but yeah holy crap I love what I've just seen. I too love that un-refined look and style he has. I've really missed out on some really cool art as the decades have gone by. His stuff reminds me a lot of the inking style of Kaus Jansen who did some just stunning work on Frank Miller and John Buscema's pencils, one of my all-time favourites... Fuckin' check this shit out, man!
pinderhooks @ Sunday, May 1st 2022, 4:08 PM
Well it's certainly been a long time since comics were 50 cents! And I wonder why Marvel had to include a whole page dedicated to the movie's cast members, even such important characters as "1st Mechanic" and "Mean Mongolian!"
The comic looked like a fine adaptation of the film, but what stood out most to me was the way the panels were coloured. Back then, they had such a limited palette from which to choose that they were forced to be creative with it, and the comics benefited from that. It seems like after they started colouring comics digitally and printing on high-quality paper, the artists got away from using colour in a visually striking way and IMO the comic art style has ended up suffering for it.
Now here's a link for you!

Just look how bland the recoloured panels look compared to the originals. I'm not saying it's bad, it's definitely a very good colouring job, but it just doesn't pack any punch, ya know?
Brentos @ Saturday, May 7th 2022, 5:18 AM
Oh Yeah I totally agree. Colouring was an art back then that I bet very few artists could do which is probably why most comics had someone besides the penciler and inker do the colouring. I think when the panels are coloured 'properly/realistically' it takes away from the compositions the penciler intended. It kind of makes everything in the panel blend into one 'moment of time' which makes the panel's subject to be less immediately apparent to the reader. In comics there HAS to be an unnoticed illusion of 'time' just because the images aren't moving. Take the panel in the Raiders Of The Lost Arc comic where they first see the temple in the jungle, the reader's eye is right away drawn to both Indy and the temple, and then to all the other people and background details. It's such a great panel because it seems to 'last a long time' to me and is a long panel which reads from left to right which adds to the timing. When I look at it I actually envision everyone moving towards the subject AFTER I've seen what the subject is. If it was coloured realistically all of those nuances would have been lost like in your Batman example, Indy would have been barely BARELY noticeable until the reader gradually scanned the entire image. It would be like the 'flow of time' was actually going backwards. To me the old way was the best and was an entire 'art' into itself which is quite hard to do and was just as important as the lighting in good movies. Now that you got me thinking so deeply about it I have to say the old-time colourists were just as important as the artists.

One of the dumbest comics I ever read (for many reasons) was Neil Gaiman's Sandman. The colourist for it will always stand out to me as the absolute worst, it's like he/she wasn't even trying! (I don't think ANYONE involved in that mess was trying) As I recall Sandman was coloured with the old style of basic colours which goes to show how much of a lost art it truly is. This probably explains my disdain for colouring to begin with! I just don't have the natural ability for it. I know my aht is kind of lame but I think a lot of the time my compositions and overall storytelling makes up for all of that. But if I colour my stuff it just ends up looking even worse so I don't even bother most of the time. Plus I'm lazy.

One of the best colouring examples that comes to mind is the following link. It's a lot more 'detailed' and tonal than say the old Spidermans or whatever but doesn't try to be realistic which doesn't take anything from Frank Miller's art but actually ADDS to it. Here it is probably my most favouritest comic of all time prepare to be amazed. (The first one or two pages are missing in this scan but it'll still make sense...)

PS: On the back cover of #2 Chris Claremont has a blurb where he mentions the 'process color format' which I guess is making note of the printing technology of the time which was for a comic a new thing. I've actually got the entire series in near mint condition and the paper is nice and shiny as opposed to other 'corner store' comics which were still the mainstay at the time. It goes to show Pinders how like you say, colouring too realistically lessens the artwork. Pretty much everything printed on shiny paper after this started to kind of suck. Things went down hill quite quickly i'd say.
pinderhooks @ Thursday, May 12th 2022, 9:31 PM
Ah, I'd heard of Ronin but I didn't know it had futuristic parts to it. It's quite different from what I imagined it to be! The main thing I knew about it was in New Mutants #100, where Rob Liefeld drew an homage/ripoff of the splash page from Ronin where Ronin impales himself in order to stab the demon behind him. Love ya Rob, but damn if that wasn't some pretty blatant plagiarism! :rolleyes:

[8024] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lucifer Sam, Siam Cat | Time: 2h 3m
Pic #5179
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Thursday, March 24th 2022, 7:32 AM
WinterWeirdo @ Sunday, March 27th 2022, 3:45 AM
It is better to smash in hell than get boinked in heaven.
pinderhooks @ Sunday, April 3rd 2022, 11:51 PM
A she-cat-devil! Where does she rank among your other devil girls? Someone needs to be in charge to keep the other misfits in line!
Brentos @ Sunday, April 10th 2022, 3:38 AM
Good question! Credence, Freedom and Enterprise are all subservient to Xod so that puts them pretty low in the hierarchy, especially since they all agreed to leave Hell to be Xod's slaves. Credence is a bit too much rebellious for it to be a good fit for her kind of way of living though but she still wants to please her master. Xod loves this of course and Credence pretty much knows it. It's complicated! Prudence, whom I drew once a few years back is Credence's sister who's a big stickler for the rules of Hell. She thinks her sister is a slacker when it comes to being a demon. She's got a government job processing the damned and takes her job VERY seriously, which puts her pretty high in the food chain.
Sam, or Samantha; is Lucifer's familiar/thug, inspired from the Pink Floyd song. Watch out for her because she pretty much gets away with whatever she wants. She might change a lot in looks as I keep trying to draw her. She's probably the highest ranking demon so far.
Spoiler alert! I want the comic to have an atheistic message to it so there's no 'real' Heaven or Hell, just different dimensions where the angels and demons exist but are delusional and actually think it's all 'real', at least according to the Bible, or what I call The Stupid Book! If someone dies in the comic they just die, but anyone can be taken to the respective dimensions by the angels or demons where they find out it's similar to the Stupid Book but different. Xod is also delusional and mentally unstable enough to think all this shit's real... :gamer:
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, May 14th 2022, 9:49 PM
Lovely coloring

[8007] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 375 | Time: 6h 55m
Pic #5162
(Click to enlarge)

Chicken Paint
Brentos @ Friday, March 18th 2022, 4:37 AM

(Edited on December 20, 2022, 4:39 am)
pinderhooks @ Sunday, March 20th 2022, 1:38 AM
Hell yeah, enough chatter! It's about time for these walking talking Pez dispensers to get into some more wacky antics!

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