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Also, be sure to check out DTP's longest-running series: LUST

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[7432] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 145 | Time: 6h
Pic #4587
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Brentos @ Friday, May 10th 2013, 3:45 AM
I've got Pinton kind of ranting in this page and I'm not sure he would say anything like this. Just let me know Pig if this is the sort of thing he would *not* say. It's the sort of thing I would say but I seriously don't want to write my opinions into someone else's character if it's not the way that character would think. (even though I've probably already done that numerous times to other people's characters in this comic already...)

Also: I've moved the following link to this post rather than leaving it on Jazz'z post because that picture is so awesome I didn't want any possible unrelated (but extremely important) discussions taking place there because that might be annoying to deeple. Anyhow...

The countdown to armageddon has begun! Everybody draw or post something before time runs out! Don't think just hurry!

(Edited on May 3, 2013, 12:53 pm)
pinderhooks @ Friday, May 3rd 2013, 12:54 PM
Oh my god, there really is an app for everything!
Brentos @ Friday, May 3rd 2013, 1:00 PM
Holy shit it's weird that you made that comment right when I moved the link about the 50,000,000,000 apps. Is that weird or what?
pinderhooks @ Friday, May 3rd 2013, 2:08 PM
Haha, yeah! But then again this board is made of weirdness :blush:
Tha_Pig @ Friday, May 3rd 2013, 8:26 PM
Pinton would not say that. But it's okay, this your story and I like it.
Brentos @ Friday, May 10th 2013, 4:00 AM
Page bumped because of major rewrite. When I asked Pig what his final message to the future would be he surprised me by saying he wouldn't even leave a message, that's just the way the character Pinton is. So yeah I was way off the mark on that, Pinton is all about the *now* and not too concerned about the future. That's just the way he is. I never really liked how the original script was anyhow so a rewrite was definitely in order. I was having trouble filling up the word balloons when Tha Pig messaged me saying he would in fact like to at least leave a request to the future which is written here in the 6th and 7th panels. I now think this page turned out pretty good.

[7431] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 144 | Time: 1h 57m
Pic #4586
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Brentos @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 3:46 AM
Calli @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 10:38 AM
Oh no! D:
Tha_Pig @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 7:51 PM
Maybe he died already and he is in hell!!!
Soft drink hell!!!

[7429] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 143 | Time: 2h 7m
Pic #4584
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Brentos @ Thursday, April 25th 2013, 2:07 AM
pinderhooks @ Sunday, April 28th 2013, 12:56 AM
Remember this is how Star Trek 3 started, by shooting a dead Vulcan in a torpedo onto an artificial planet. But after that, things began getting weird.

[7427] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 142 | Time: 1h 59m
Pic #4582
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Brentos @ Monday, April 22nd 2013, 2:56 AM
Best page ever.
mascot @ Thursday, April 25th 2013, 1:40 AM
Tha_Pig @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 7:55 PM
You are a master of the mechanical gag, with a gory twist. This looks like Tarantino remaking a Buster Keaton movie...
Brentos @ Friday, May 3rd 2013, 9:01 PM
That would be pretty wild if Tarantino made an all-out comedy. Especially an animated one.

[7423] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 141 | Time: 2h 46m
Pic #4578
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Brentos @ Tuesday, April 16th 2013, 3:26 AM
And here's what happens next.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, April 16th 2013, 5:34 AM
Fucking awesomenalicious!!!
I'm putting you in my will so you will continue my comic after I die.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, April 16th 2013, 5:34 AM
Also Wac... this board needs a "like" button.
Or maybe a FAP one. So we can rate the pictures we like.
Brentos @ Monday, April 22nd 2013, 12:14 AM
I was actually going to continue your strip if you died anyhow! There'd be nothing you could do about it.
Tha_Pig @ Monday, April 22nd 2013, 9:47 PM
How do you know I didn't die already?
Sakana_Katana @ Friday, April 26th 2013, 6:14 AM
@ Brentos: Sounds like a challenge to me: draw the next installment of "Future Pig."
Brentos @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 12:56 AM
I challenge Tha Pig to draw the next installment. WE WANT MORE FUTURE PIG AND WE WANT IT NOW.
Tha_Pig @ Monday, April 29th 2013, 7:59 PM
Ok... I accept your challenge. I'll finish the next page of Meat Market.

But you could give it a try too. Maybe you can come up with a better ending than mine.

[7390] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 140 | Time: 3h 4m
Pic #4545
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Brentos @ Thursday, February 28th 2013, 4:31 AM

[7388] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 139 | Time: 3h 4m
Pic #4543
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Brentos @ Sunday, February 24th 2013, 4:24 AM

[7387] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 138 | Time: 3h 15m
Pic #4542
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Brentos @ Friday, February 22nd 2013, 4:36 AM
There's some action coming up again. Hopefully some funny shit too.

[7386] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 137 | Time: 2h 56m
Pic #4541
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Brentos @ Tuesday, February 19th 2013, 5:27 AM
It's a Quentin Tarantino moment I tell you! Or at least it's supposed to be.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, February 19th 2013, 8:15 PM
It's not Tarantino until they talk about foot massage. :D
Sakana_Katana @ Tuesday, February 19th 2013, 9:50 PM
Would you like a Royale with Cheese and Freedom Fries to go with that drink?

[7385] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 136 | Time: 2h 40m
Pic #4540
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Brentos @ Saturday, February 16th 2013, 4:35 AM
And you told me I was a monster!
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, February 19th 2013, 8:26 PM
The question is... can a jeep read lips?

[7373] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 135 | Time: 3h 10m
Pic #4528
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Brentos @ Saturday, February 9th 2013, 3:13 AM
B4rT @ Monday, February 11th 2013, 2:23 PM
28 Weeks Later: A viral outbreak decimates the crew :lol:

[7372] Artist: Brentos | Title: Lust 134 | Time: 3h 40m
Pic #4527
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Brentos @ Tuesday, February 5th 2013, 1:07 AM
That's supposed to be Spectre just kind of standing watch in the last panel. Even though she's got a big gash in her hand. She's pretty tough I tell ya. And that's Spitfire in the second panel carrying a beam or something. It's just aluminum though, not steel. The Space Dames are all strong but not as strong as Spike, she's got super strength which I guess is pretty obvious by now... :|

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