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[5046] Artist: Amberdrake | Title: Kittles and Kuddles | Time: 2h 19m
Pic #2201

[View Animation]
Amberdrake @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 9:48 AM
Grats on the munchkin Satbast! Glad to see your art again.

Little late but I've been kinda &quot;should I, shouldn't I&quot; since I saw you come back.

And for those who might wonder where I've been, I removed all my art back in Feb. due to drama. It was stay and let my art(and myself) suffer or keep drawing and stop posting. I picked the later. But I haven't stopped stalking :3 you guys are constantly amusing me with your posts, much love. Sorry for the long post.
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 12:55 PM
Awwwww... so cuteeeeeeee......
Miellaby @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 3:31 PM
Amber, you're my idole.
Calli @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 5:19 PM
totally cute + gorgeous. good to see you amber&lt;3
Satbast @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 7:52 PM
awww! Best present evaaaar ^~.~^ I think I'll print it and put it in the nursery, actually!
Sydney @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 8:12 PM
This is absolutely fantastic. Little Satbast Jr. is too cute for the internet. As a matter of fact, we havent heard much about this little bundle of joy. Boy or girl, and whats the name?
Waccoon @ Friday, September 28th 2007, 3:23 AM
I missed you! Your coloring is gorgeous.
Cloven @ Friday, September 28th 2007, 7:57 AM
*heart melts*! Archive!
Satbast @ Saturday, September 29th 2007, 11:54 PM
Okay, I'll share more info.. His name is Morgan Daniel, he was born 1/13/07, so he is about 8 1/2 months old. He is also HUGE for his age, olive complexioned (Not deathly-pale like his momma) and FRICKIN ADORABLE. ^~.~^ Thankyou again, Amber! I &lt;3 this!

[5045] Artist: Hyper dingo | Title: *CRACKS WHINE BOTTLE* | Time: unknown
Pic #2200


Hyper dingo @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 3:18 PM
Awight duelists Joey er' to lauch Hypa dingas new Art studio called TWISTED PAWS INC. If yer interested just ask Bay-bee. Who wants a pizzapie? Is that a fat italian hand i see in the back Mah-rio?


(Uploaded by Hyper dingo)
Hyper dingo @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 3:21 PM
Fuuuuuck Dis be the wrong one. Also. No bitching about it ripping off a certain logo. This is a example to show to my Krew.
Hyper dingo @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 3:45 PM
Also why am i doin this here? I practically grew up on this board from 01-now I learned from all the greats. ALL of em.

Moku. Wac. Xod. Pinton. Brentos. N.O.I.P. Nani moose

When i was a scrawny little junior high kid you guys were my IDOLS
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 6:16 PM
I'm honored someone counts me among the great! :o
Al @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 6:55 PM
Bah! I'm more internet famous then YOU!
Sydney @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 9:12 PM
You want internet fame? Do something stupid on YouTube.
Waccoon @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 1:47 AM
Death by JPEG = FAIL

DBJPEG on purpose = GENIUS

[5044] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Adventures Down Under | Time: 3h 47m
Pic #2199
(Click to enlarge)

NaniMoose @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 3:02 AM
I've been playing Sonic Rush Adventure on the DS. It's the first Sonic game that's been able to really grab me since the days of the Dreamcast. There's just one small drawback...
Sydney @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 6:52 AM
Sonic's balls look rather large for his body, but then again he's always had questionable anatomy. This rocks all the same though! :)

Are you going to finish that Cannes Bowser pic below this one? Weerre waaaaiiiting!
NaniMoose @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 11:55 AM
Ehh.. Dunno, I'm not too happy with that one.
Sydney @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 1:54 PM
Aww geez. I was really looking forward to seeing it finished. I was gonna make a desktop out of it. At least make it public if you won't finish it yourself.
Sydney @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 7:43 AM
Also, Strewth FTW
Waccoon @ Thursday, September 27th 2007, 1:52 AM
&quot;Struth&quot; = lame

Strine = always infinitely cool

Is it just me, or has Australia seen an explosion in popularity within the last couple years?

[5043] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: You are invited to FAP!!!! | Time: 23m 53s
Pic #2198

Tha_Pig @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 6:43 PM
No, not that kind of fap! I mean Futurepig Anniversary Party!

Sept 31, it will be six years since my web comic went online. I will throw an online party on my page and everyone is invited!

How to get there? Draw your character in any kind of party attitude, or just standing around… against a black background. I will copy-pasta everyone on my page.

Post character/author name and home page so I can credit everyone. You can draw it here, or upload the image. Try to keep the sizes small, I can resize the pictures to fit my page, but that usually diminish the original’s quality.

The only rules are:

The black background is necessary so the result have a visual continuity (look at the provided example)

No porn! (It’s a party, not an orgy!) Keep it “Work Safe”. I’m inviting people of all ages.

Deadline will be Sept. 30... but try not to wait to the last minute!
NaniMoose @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 11:05 PM
Do they need to have the glowy outline too?
Tha_Pig @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 11:06 PM
Not necessarily.
Sydney @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 6:53 AM
Good, because I don't know how to add one. :lol:
Hyper dingo @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 5:48 PM
I remember when you launched it pig... Boy do I feel old now.....Dawwwww. Memmmmmrries. I totally butched that tune.
Al @ Sunday, September 30th 2007, 5:38 AM
Mine's been up for nine years... yay?

[5041] Artist: GlenSkunk | Title: Nani's New Toy (sketch) | Time: unknown
Pic #2196
(Click to enlarge)

ShiPainter Pro
GlenSkunk @ Sunday, September 23rd 2007, 10:16 PM
And now, for something completely different...a moose spooging on a robot kitty.

Hey, NaniMoose has a robot fetish. Why not cater to it? XD Sorry that it's not colored, but I only finished this a few minutes ago. (Really needs some refining too...oi.)

(Uploaded by GlenSkunk)
Tha_Pig @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 12:13 PM
Sex robots will be the next big industry! The automobile changed the first half of the XX century and computers changed the last half... Fuckable droids will be the mark of the XXI century!

Thats a great cumshot, by the way!

GlenSkunk @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 5:05 PM
Why thank you! Glad ya like the super splurt! XD
NaniMoose @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 11:04 PM
I am equal parts flattered and weirded out.
GlenSkunk @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 11:42 PM
Both reactions at once? Did I make the girl too mecha for your taste, or did I make you too beefy for your taste?

Or is it just a case of &quot;why the hell is this guy drawing stuff for me?&quot;
NaniMoose @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 3:04 AM
Hmmm, I think it's the beefiness. The &quot;hyper&quot; style just isn't my thing, and I usually draw Nani in particular as a short, frumpy, stocky fella.
Sydney @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 6:57 AM
I didn't say this earlier, but the robo kitty looks more like she's all muscles, no skin. :|
GlenSkunk @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 7:52 PM
Well, that's actually an established drawing style, Sean - the French word &quot;ecorche&quot; describes the art technique of drawing the body as if there is no skin.

As for the hyper style...hmmm, I see. Maybe I'll do a follow-up with the more normal Nani...shouldn't be too hard to pull off...though do you suppose he should still cum buckets? XD

[5040] Artist: NekoAmpy | Title: waluigi luigi | Time: 32m 48s
Pic #2195

NekoAmpy @ Sunday, September 23rd 2007, 7:05 PM
Totally crappy but porn is porn.
Seraph @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 1:23 AM
See, that's the attitude that got us INTO this mess.
Tha_Pig @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 12:08 PM
But we like the mess! Right?
Solo @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 12:46 PM
Sure we do!
Johnny Electric @ Wednesday, September 26th 2007, 5:43 AM
Don't we?
straw @ Tuesday, October 9th 2007, 11:08 AM
The dialog is funny.

[5039] Artist: jazzmine | Title: Dragonia | Time: 59m 59s
Pic #2194

jazzmine @ Saturday, September 22nd 2007, 10:37 AM
Tha_Pig @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 12:14 PM
Pepple @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 5:57 PM
Square nipples.
Sabine @ Monday, September 24th 2007, 8:09 PM
mmm, nothing like a bed of bloody hamburger to make a gal feel like drooling on a bnana!!

[5037] Artist: Sydney | Title: Cervix With A Smile | Time: 48m 9s
Pic #2192
(Click to enlarge)

Sydney @ Wednesday, September 19th 2007, 11:42 PM
After disgracing the Koopa family name in a recent sex scandal, Bowser Koopa of the famous hotel franchise ordered his daughter Cannes to work room service at his Mushroom City hotel. While the guests seem to have taken a liking to her, its not anything Mr. Bowser calls &quot;redeeming.&quot;
ReMz @ Wednesday, September 19th 2007, 6:47 PM
rut oh... me think her career is heading in the barn! :gamer:
Tigr3ss @ Friday, September 21st 2007, 1:41 AM
If you by 'in the barn' mean a trip to the haystack, you are probably right.
Urburos @ Friday, September 21st 2007, 7:28 PM
Rrrrolll, roll, roll in zee haaaay! *giggles*

[5038] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Bottomless Shame | Time: 1h 6m
Pic #2193
(Click to enlarge)

NaniMoose @ Wednesday, September 19th 2007, 11:06 PM
Though kept out of the public eye during the day by her father, Cannes would step out for wild nights of &quot;mini-games&quot; in the Mushroom Kingdom with her half-sister, Wendy O'. Scandal grips the family again when paparazzi snap this photo using the old camera-on-a-fishing-line-held-by-a-guy-riding-a-cloud trick.
Sydney @ Thursday, September 20th 2007, 12:11 AM
We're three pics away from Princess Peach spilling an Apple Martini on her bra trying to kiss Daisy's tits. (Please finish for the love of 1up mushrooms.
Waccoon @ Saturday, September 22nd 2007, 8:06 AM
@Sean: That comment had me laughing out load!
Waccoon @ Saturday, September 22nd 2007, 8:30 AM
LOUD. LOUD, DAMMIT. I'll not be blowing any loads around here!
FSharp @ Sunday, September 23rd 2007, 10:29 AM
I love the way this is planned. I want it to be finished! ;_;
Hyper dingo @ Tuesday, September 25th 2007, 5:51 PM
This is semi-related. In My research of all things perveted I came up with a theroy. King Koopa railed out Princess Toadstool and made the orginal koopalings. Her hair and his hair made RAINBOW HAIR. Apparently.... Yeah. What.

[4937] Artist: Blenderman | Title: Hail to the Blender, baby. | Time: unknown
Pic #2092
(Click to enlarge)

ShiPainter Pro
Blenderman @ Wednesday, July 11th 2007, 10:42 PM
This really only could of been pulled off in Photoshop, so here is my paramount Brawl submission.


(Uploaded by Blenderman)
Samu3l K @ Wednesday, July 11th 2007, 11:50 PM
Holy shit, Blenderman!

We've created... A SUPERTEAM!?

Also, even though it was done in Photoshop, I move we archive this.
Zerofox1000 @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 12:41 AM
Agreed. This is too awesome to let slip away to the ravages of time.
Wicabeth @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 5:19 AM
Holy crap :o I LOVE how this looks like a movie poster!
Cloven @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 7:37 AM
Fondle that robo-crotch! This is awesomeness. Love the big Stalin statue in the back left there.
Alanna @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 10:45 AM
This is beautiful. Kojiro cracks me up, here.
SeizureDemon @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 1:31 PM
epic beyond proportions (sp?)
Ralph @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 2:18 PM
Who dare follow this up?
Calli @ Thursday, July 12th 2007, 3:49 PM
i third the motion. this is classic.
Dm @ Friday, July 13th 2007, 7:36 AM
I can't wait untill the sequel! =D
Neg @ Friday, July 13th 2007, 10:32 PM
hehe Love the EvilD movie hehe they just got funny as they came hehe ED1 mosty Scarey ilttle Funny, ED2 half/and half Lol, AofD was all funny enjoy all of them and this Freakin Sweet lol

[4839] Artist: Red | Title: hello! | Time: 2h 5m
Pic #2000

[View Animation]
Red @ Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 8:57 PM
my first Oekaki here.
willy fox @ Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 10:38 PM
Sexy very nice &gt;:)
Parmie @ Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 10:49 PM
...Yeeaaaaah. You'll fit in quite nicely.

Welcome! I like the bold lines and the colors, very nice!
Sabine @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 12:28 AM
I dig this soooooooooo much!
Johnny Electric @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 12:38 AM
No one in particular @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 4:16 AM
Nifty! Please, stick around for quite some time!
Arcane @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 4:53 AM
Very delicious
Helena @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 12:13 PM
First oekaki and 2000GET! Good job! ^^
zeroGzero @ Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 8:32 AM
Awesome new artist with awesome new artwork.

Thats awesome.

I like this pic a lot.
ArmedWithLuck @ Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 1:43 AM
Good work. You took my old name, and now its finally getting some good use! :)

[4832] Artist: No one in particular | Title: Old Familiar Paths | Time: 14h 44m
Pic #1993

No one in particular @ Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 3:52 PM
My head felt lop-sided, and I knew it would be pounding if I didn't get some aspirin before long. I looked around and felt a greasy uneasiness in my stomach... something was... wrong... here.

"... who would paint their houses such garish colors?" I mumbled to the clouds.
Al @ Sunday, June 3rd 2007, 7:08 PM
Oooo! Pwerty!
No one in particular @ Monday, June 4th 2007, 3:28 AM
"Confuse your friends! Baffle your enemies! Annoy people who try to use your computer!

The new PWERTY keyboards!"
Azu @ Wednesday, June 6th 2007, 9:28 AM
Would that be minding my Ps and Qs?
Amble @ Thursday, June 7th 2007, 12:42 PM
I don't know why I didn't comment on this before but damn do you ever have a good sense of perspective (and the bending thereof)
No one in particular @ Thursday, June 7th 2007, 4:26 PM
That's one of the great things about intentionally skewing things in the first place... if something else is off, you can just claim you meant for it to be like that. :D

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