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[5195] Artist: Sydney | Title: Medulla Oblongota | Time: 1h 46m
Pic #2350


Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 2:13 PM
Ornery is most commonly defined as &quot;unpleasant.&quot;

You'd be angry too if you wasted $29.99 because you thought The Vagina Monlogues was a porno.

EDIT: Added her stripes...needed to put them on a seperate layer though.
Al @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 1:10 PM
So, you getting better a few weeks ago was CUNNING TRICKERY!
Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 1:26 PM
Bleh. I've had a rough week with this new job and dont feel like being too detailed.

And your just upset over the Green Day parody poster :)
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 5:18 PM
Where is her anus?
Samu3l K @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 5:55 PM
Eric @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 6:20 PM
Wow, she has awesome pecs. And a pussy on her pubis. NICE.
Tigr3ss @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 2:36 AM
Not the worst pussy placement I've seen... probably is. If you want it to be where it is, the buttocks should round up immediatly beneath it, where the outer lips stop. No, the anus isn't always visible from this direction, because of buttocs and the taint sticking out more. I know many people manically draw it on as much as they can where it'd hardly show.

What confuse me here is that you have shading on the right/underside of arms, breasts, then one leg isn't shaded at all, and the other is both from the overside and underside. I don't know why you shade with both dithers and airbrush, I'd use solids if I were you. You do know about the Mask functions, right?

I don't know why guys drawing chicks masturbating so rarely draw them touching the clit, but maybe she's just getting started ;P
Bobby Bushtail @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 6:50 AM
Men like to think women like penetration more than clitoral stimulation... twas a lesson I learned the hard way... but one worth learning.......... HURRAY FOR DEEP THOUGHTS ABOUT SEX :D well thats the rest of my thinking for tonight

on a second note, this is better than the shit I shell out every week XD

[5192] Artist: Syrynx | Title: Hexabranchus sanguineus | Time: 10h 59m
Pic #2347
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Syrynx @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 6:30 PM
Spanish dancer Nudibranches are large red soft bodied bodied invertebrates. Nudibranch is a latin word meaning Naked Gill, and the soft protruding appendages on their tail end are actually their gills. As their latin name implies, Spanish dancers have six lung apparatuses on their bodies and grow to be often more than 12&quot; in length. They are adept swimmers, and their common name comes from their displays of their 'fins' while doing so.

Tigr3ss @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 8:01 PM
You don't wanna finish the other one first? X3 Gorgeous hair.
Syrynx @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 8:46 PM
I do wanna finish my other one, But I have been having problems figuring out what I want to do with her, so I am working on both, just to keep from fussing too much over one thing. And thank you ^^ I've never really done ringlets like that before, but I had alot of fun with them.
Sakana_Katana @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 10:01 AM
Perhaps some musical inspiration to finish the other one?

Chemical Brothers - Salmon Dance

Beatbox blowfish. LOL
Satbast @ Tuesday, January 15th 2008, 12:08 PM
She's very pretty, but the effect seems more 'pretty girl in skirt' than a mermaidy-type critter.. Her hair rocks ^~.~^

[5193] Artist: NaniMoose | Title: Good Times! | Time: 1h 25m
Pic #2348

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NaniMoose @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 5:25 PM
Ornery moose is ornery.
Tha_Pig @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 5:38 PM
Nani and I read the same magazine!
Zerofox1000 @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 8:51 PM
Looks like an &quot;ornery&quot; friday night for all of us. Pun intended.
drme @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 11:36 PM
I'm thinking good times would involve an actual girl. Not the kind that you bring home to your mother- no no. The kind that likes it rough, the kind that wants to be abused and used. :mad:
NaniMoose @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 2:03 AM
Some sort of superfreak? Superfreak? Who's super-freakaayyyy?
Waccoon @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 5:34 AM
I'm super-sick. Does that count?
Sydney @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 11:21 AM
I couldnt think of a witty comment, but all I can say is &quot;Turn around!&quot;
No one in particular @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 3:24 AM
&quot;Turn around, turn around~
There's a thing there, that can't be found~
Turn around, turn around~
It's a human skull on the ground~
Human skull~ on the ground~
Turn around~&quot;
Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 11:12 AM
Sunthin wrong with his Meduda Oblongata.
GlenSkunk @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 12:26 PM
It's &quot;MEDULA Oblongata...&quot; But oh well.

Why is Nani so ornery, mmm? Am I gonna need to draw another &quot;GlenSkunk gives Nani sex&quot; picture or something? &lt;_&lt;
Sydney @ Saturday, January 12th 2008, 12:36 PM
I guess, unless you don't like people asking &quot;whats up with the limp?&quot;
No one in particular @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 12:11 AM
Sean, are you threatening to cripple Glen for cheating on you?
GlenSkunk @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 9:00 PM
Seeing as I've never even BEEN with Sean, I find it hard to believe I'd possibly be cheating on him, unless space-time has become seriously distorted and we're going backwards through time...
Sydney @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 11:27 PM
No one in particular @ Monday, January 14th 2008, 2:12 AM
Oop! You're right, my mistake. I was thinking of Bobby Bushtail. Sorry!

*goes off to make more drunken mistakes*
GlenSkunk @ Monday, January 14th 2008, 6:34 PM
Heh, of course I remember that Sean. Nani told me this is what I get for drawing Nani with a mastadonic moose member...

[5187] Artist: Syrynx | Title: Puffer maid: Redeux | Time: 5h 22m
Pic #2342
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Syrynx @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 12:15 AM
I was looking through all the fish girls I've done so far, and realized that my favorite idea, but not necessarily execution of the idea was my chubby puffer fish girl. I am redoing her, bigger, happier and hopefully better.

Fark. I hate that stupid bump option. I hate that I always forget to press no. RAAARRRG.

(Edited on January 10, 2008, 12:16 am)
No one in particular @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 5:52 PM
Just looking at this makes me wanna go &quot;Yay!&quot;
Dejection @ Friday, January 11th 2008, 9:21 PM

This one is adorable
Satbast @ Wednesday, January 16th 2008, 12:05 PM
This one is going to be so cute.. I want to squeeze the little pufferfish ^~.~^

[5188] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: Tonight we dine in Hell!!!!!!! | Time: 1h 1m
Pic #2343

Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 11:19 AM
Hey... at least is not another hamburger picture!
NaniMoose @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 11:49 AM
But you know he's holding a hamburger just out of frame that he's getting ready to chomp down on.
GlenSkunk @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 11:59 AM
Actually, knowing the Spartans, he's about to give a really, really, REALLY frightening blowjob.

Yes, the Spartans not only accepted homosexuality, they ENCOURAGED it - as a way of ensuring unit cohesion and a greater willingness to fight!
No one in particular @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 2:56 PM
Nothing fosters aggression like &quot;Girls are icky!&quot;
The_Ravishing_One @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 3:56 PM
i can tell someone hadn't heard much about the pre-middle ages world.

also, pig's tempting me to do leonidas chomping on a littelgirlburger &gt;:D
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 5:13 PM
GlenSkunk is right. Homosexuality was very common all over Ancient Greece, but the Spartans seemed to take it to the extreme (like they did with everything else) Comedians in Athens made a lot of jokes about the Spartans, to the point that the popular word for &quot;Sodomize&quot; was the Greek equivalent to &quot;Spartanize&quot;
Zerofox1000 @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 7:00 PM
The_Ravishing_One @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 4:36 AM
only spartan women give birth to real men...

but not even spartan men like 'em.
Calli @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 8:13 AM
best evar.

i hear hell makes a mean burger.

[5186] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: 299 | Time: 3h 36m
Pic #2341
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Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 9:09 AM
What is Pinton doing there?
This is madness!!!!

Syrynx @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 9:59 AM

But seriously, Pig you are awesome.
Tha_Pig @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 10:06 AM
BassMan @ Thursday, January 10th 2008, 2:49 AM
This looks like a job for...

[5184] Artist: Syrynx | Title: And now, crap. | Time: 20m 24s
Pic #2339

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Syrynx @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 1:59 PM
Bette knew that everyone was ignoring her, but she knew the real reason why. No matter what anyone else said, Bette was the prettiest girl at the party.
Tha_Pig @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 4:13 PM
Now that's my kind of mermaid!!!!
Tigr3ss @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 4:21 PM
Yup, she got the pussy ;D
Satbast @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 4:47 PM
'bout time someone did a maidmer! ^~.~^
Rapps @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 11:17 PM
perhaps the best mermaid picture.


I loled D:
rayebs @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 12:09 AM
I wonder if she smells like fish tween her legs...
Tigr3ss @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 3:55 AM
women only smell like that if they have bacterial or yeast infections, that throws off their pH. Yes, common misconception I know. Healthy pussy isn't supposed to smell.
Waccoon @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 5:20 AM
@Tigr3ss: Yeah, I had to think nature would be smarter than that.
Tigr3ss @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 7:13 AM
@Wacc: Indeed, but then again I'm not THAT sure nature intended us to have cunnilingus... nature doesn't know what it's missing :P
Mmmm salmon... you know, a fine pun could be made on cat(girl)s' love of eating fish here.
Sakana_Katana @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 8:33 AM
And now, carp?
Syrynx @ Wednesday, January 9th 2008, 10:04 AM
Salmon, the other pink meat?
stray @ Sunday, January 13th 2008, 12:50 PM
This reminds me of the Futurama episode, &quot;The Deep South&quot;.

Fry: &quot;Why couldn't she have been the other kind of mermaid, with the fish part on top and the woman part on the bottom?&quot;

[5179] Artist: Syrynx | Title: Zebra Shark Maid | Time: 7h 53m
Pic #2334
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Syrynx @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 9:55 AM
Zebra Sharks are small docile sharks that are indigenous to the indo-pacific region of the pacific ocean. They feed primarily on small bottom feeders, crabs and mollusks, and are rare in their ability to breath through their gills without being in constant motion like most sharks.

Working on this, slowly but surely, And left open to the public for those of you who want to play with it.
Currently: Stuck on what to do for a background.
Rapps @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 12:50 PM
YES. More mermaids. And boobs &lt;3

I so can't wait to see this done.
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 5:56 PM
Looking great so far. Don't forget to bump it over my burgers when it's done!
Dejection @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 1:59 AM
Hey I see progress!

I always like your underwater pictures so I'm excited to see it done
Rapps @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 9:44 PM
Yay you finished &lt;3

I love the color scheme &gt;:B Browns and pinks go together fabulously ;3;

And did I mention how gorgeous she is?
Syrynx @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 10:17 PM
Well, she's finished, I need to do a background now, but thank you kindly ^^
No one in particular @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 3:51 AM
Oh, to be a remora on her! *waggles eyebrows*
Sabine @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 11:41 AM
for a background . . . since you said they are bottom feeders, maybe one of those &quot;ocean desert&quot; landscapes, miles of white sand stretching away to the horizon . . . and then you coudl go crazy with the squiggly water highlights.
Dejection @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 3:59 PM
She came out beautiful! You have made so much progress since you first started drawing here. What's your secret?
Syrynx @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 6:49 PM
Heh, no secret really, Just always trying o get better at something. When I feel I've done that one thing to a point of personal satisfaction, i move on to something else.
Blenderman @ Tuesday, January 8th 2008, 9:26 PM

Where her ribs are, that sort of coloring/texture is what sharks are made of. Very good.

And I think that feeding fish following her should be a mini male anthro-fish!

[5177] Artist: zeroGzero | Title: Lava | Time: 8h 21m
Pic #2332
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zeroGzero @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 12:59 PM
I need to do more landscapes.

Here is one.
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 3:23 PM
That lava is hypnotic! The general awesomeness of this picture blows my mind.
Dejection @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 10:23 PM
You should do level design for video games

I totally want to quest here, make it happen!

Surey neko @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 2:04 AM
I love the complimentary colors Purple and yellow...

The mountain looks like there's a lava Pluto in it.
Tigr3ss @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 6:43 AM
I agree with Dejection. It looks like adventure!
Rapps @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 1:46 PM
I agree with all of the above.

You should do more of these landscapes :O

[5182] Artist: No one in particular | Title: Victory! | Time: 8m 20s
Pic #2337

No one in particular @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 9:47 PM
WOO! Over the last 30 days, I've drawn 30 things I'm not ashamed of! Go me!

... I just wanted to share that, is all.

... cough.

Happy new year?
Blenderman @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 11:33 PM
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 12:52 AM
Is it your birthday?
Rapps @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 1:05 AM
congrats &gt;:B
No one in particular @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 2:59 AM
Nah, my birthday's in 10 days. This is just unrelated festivities.
BassMan @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 1:37 PM
Happy Birthday in advance and nice impersonation of Cyborg from Teen Titans

[5181] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: Girl vs. Hamburger! | Time: 2h 55m
Pic #2336

Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 8:57 PM
Do you all hate me yet?
By the way, it didn't took 3 hours. I had to stop it and go eat...
No one in particular @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 9:31 PM
Did you eat... a HAMBURGER?!!?!
Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 9:35 PM
Of course! :D
Dejection @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 10:07 PM
She looks like Angelica from Rugrats

Which only makes this more terrifying
Blenderman @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 11:33 PM
Scary, yes. But satisfying seeing a triptych on oekaki!
Tha_Pig @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 12:55 AM
By the way... I know I have gone over my quota, so I encourage artists who have unfinished pictures to &quot;bump&quot; them when they finish, so they will go to first place.
ReMz @ Sunday, January 6th 2008, 9:58 PM
BassMan @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 1:41 PM
Reminds me of the only funny character on the worst Saturday Morning Cartoon I ever saw.
(Doll-like girl): &quot;Hi I'm Donna Doily (Whips out a butcher knife) and I'm going to make you into sausages!!!&quot;
Tha_Pig @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 5:52 PM
Oh! Someone animated her!!!! :o

[5180] Artist: Tha_Pig | Title: Girl vs. Hamburger | Time: 57m 46s
Pic #2335

Tha_Pig @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 3:38 PM
Whoever wins, we lose!
Dejection @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 5:49 PM
A terrifying turn of events
mascot @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 8:05 PM
I reckon the burger's losing.
No one in particular @ Saturday, January 5th 2008, 8:51 PM
I dunno... I think it may just be waiting for reinforcements. Enough of its buddies follow it, and her arteries are done for!


She's got very healthy gums, though!

(Edited on January 5, 2008, 8:52 pm)
BassMan @ Monday, January 7th 2008, 1:38 PM
Coffee Cat: Holy Ren &amp; Stimpy BassMan!!! :o

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