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2023-07-11: Wacintaki updated to 1.6.10
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[52] [Comment] Artist: Yume | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #55

Yume @ Saturday, May 3rd 2003, 4:37 PM
a Fan Boy :-)

i was going to add a sports feild behind him, but for all my trying i couldnt seem to draw it, so... eh...

[48] [Comment] Artist: Yume | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #50

Yume @ Sunday, April 27th 2003, 4:45 PM

i'm learnin how to draw coons... or at least their butts...
he's taking his shirt off, not sagging... and it's not an alien with a visor holdingit's hand up, dammit!!

btw, i like the transparency tool... is much fun :-)
Leigh Anna - [Homepage] @ Sunday, April 27th 2003, 6:35 PM
Yay! Butts!
datonel @ Sunday, April 27th 2003, 11:03 PM
Red shirt, blue pants... 'zat Wac?
Waccoon @ Sunday, April 27th 2003, 11:55 PM
Pff... I *wish* I had a butt like that. I'm friggin' FAT. ;)
Yume @ Monday, April 28th 2003, 6:48 AM
hmm... could be... i never even noticed the color combination when i was making it... *pokes a coon* hey, Wac, you been binging (sp?) on slimfast or something?

[44] [Comment] Artist: Yume | Title: No Title | Time: unknown
Pic #46

Yume @ Thursday, April 24th 2003, 7:22 AM
issa racoon uh raccon... dammit racon grrr... it's a friggin qoon, get over it... grumblegrumble

stole the idea from Wac's link graffic 'cause i could... but mine's bigger, so there

*dances off to insane laughter*
Waccoon @ Friday, April 25th 2003, 11:54 PM
I *love* simulated scratchboard, especially when people use the rainbow backing trick. This is really nice!

BTW, the pic on the Coonikaki board link really was drawn in 1994 on my Amiga. I'm used to mouse art!
Yume @ Sunday, April 27th 2003, 1:11 PM
one of these days i'll be as good at this as you are, Wac... till then i'll just keep skritching away and forgettign to add masks to my coons... poor little coon
Yoshimitsu - [Homepage] @ Monday, May 26th 2003, 7:25 PM
In Mozilla [I'm in Linux right now], that looks a bit like a radioactive 'coon hiding in total darkness. O.o

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