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what a glorious day out! |
Is a raccoon in the wastebasket going to jump out and mug him? |
you'll noticew the raccoon rummaging the trash, looking for a small peanut named Eugene. actually, I just got tired of looking at that lovely ninja raccoon (as pretty as it is) every time I came here. come on people, draw more here! this place is getting neglected.. its falling appart. much like this picture. |
also, noticing the lack of visable raccoon in this pic, (though I assure you its there) if it needs to be removed, could it just be shoved to the DTP board? |
If you stare long enough and close enough...just maybe...a waccoon? |
Well, the colapse of society is upon us, now all we need is more silly walkers. When they nuke Taiwan with your European technology rest assured that I will at some point do the silly walk. I'm serious. I will! And I will be LAUGHING ABOUT IT! Thank you. |
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... This is one of the best drawings I have ever seen. OH YEAH! |
Still on the 1st page? This place is dead! |