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just wanted to tryout a style :3 haven't been here in a while x3 |
This is an AWESOME toon! :blush:H YEAH! |
Woo, someone's back! I like that you try out different styles with each post. Although, he looks like he needs a dialysis machine... |
well, not really. each one i just noticed, is kinda like progress over time. the raccoon markings kinda make everything wonky for me xD :0 i didn't misspell it, i swears (Edited on May 1, 2006, 6:44 am) |
He has a black tipped tail: +10 points. You mis-spelled raccoon!: -5 points. But, you did it with two c's and one o, the less evil way to do it: +2 points. Overall: B+ |
Happy yellow eyes! CUTE! |
Heeeey, cool! I guess I haven't been here long enough to see all the other styles you've apparently had. But eh, if they are all as nifty as this one, then all's good! Its like a raccoon cat... a cattoon? raccat? Catacoon? |