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Something Wac and me were talking about earlier. I was bored. |
Isn't being bored fun? They really do act like that! Well, except for the finger. Thanks! |
Raccoons really have fingers on their paws, but I dont think they can flex them enough to make a finger. Oh, well... I had to show anger somehow. |
Actually, they can forms fists. It's quite amazing how dexterious their hands are. They don't have opposable thumbs, though, otherwise they'd probably break into your house and spend the night flipping through DirectTV channels (and yes, they really do love TV). |
We dont want to brain-wash them. If they love TV, they could kick us out of the house, if they discover the refrigerator, they will eat our food. Sooner or later humans will be hunted down like the dogs...er..apes we are! - There's a moral Wac. " Dont teach raccoons the wonders of human society. Let them be free... and eat your garbage." |