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But honey! I thought you would LIKE boxing gloves! |
Git your ass out to the mall and get me a REAL anniversary present! *THUNK* |
In local news, a man by the name of Brentos was admitted to a local hospital with major injuries inflicted by boxing gloves and shards of glass. Brentos' apparent girlfriend, a raccoon, is being held in a local prison for the time being, on charges of assault, battery, and public indecency. We will provide more information when we're damn good and ready. |
This just in: Charges of creating a domestic disturbance is noted, but willing to be overlook. Who knows. Ya coulda deserved it Brentos : |
Bah! A bunch of speciest profiling, with the system clearly creating trumped charges to keep the 'coons in their line! Really, how can it be public indecency in the privacy of one's home? |