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By Pamela Veex
28.8K - September 25, 2007

So Wright, it's wrong!

Yeah, yeah... sorry about that.

By Kimono Skunk
10.8K - June, 2004

This “big cat” isn't quite so big up front, and proves quite an advantage for her sleek stance in this pose. ^v^

By Seraph - [Homepage]
11.0K - April, 2004

Good grief! Looks like this experiment with inflatable underwear didn't go as planned. Let this serve as a warning for those who feel they need to blow up to be a blow-out!

Holy F-Cup.JPG
By Acefox - [Homepage]
64.5K - August 8, 2001

This is why I don't wear a dress with buttons on it!

"2 Nudes and a Romantic Moment!"
By R(ed) Devil
103K - February 14, 2001

Hey, it's a Valentine's Day special from that lovable duke of spew, Red Devil!

No “official” explanation behind this picture exists, but I can imagine some poor sap getting lured into the cleavage of a fancy lady, only to find out too late that she's an oppotunistic alien in disguise! (Perhaps a bit high on the bad taste o'meter, but I still get a kick out of it). Happy Valentines Day!

PS - Red swears he's not going to use any more aliens in future submissions, so you can snuff all those flame mails, for Smokey's sake. ^v^

Comic Strips, #1 - #3
By Pam & Cindy
February 6, 2001

A short series of comic strips based on one really slow morning.

Stop Gawping!.JGP
By R(ed) Devil
85.6K - February 1, 2001

Revenge... revenge!

The world of vigilantism can get awfully strange, as this feminist version of SPAWN proves! This, folks, is what happens when some alien female gets fed up with excessive attention!

This one gets brownie points, too, because Waccoon is in it. I can very easily imagine him getting torn to pieces by some alien's nipple chains. 'Cause I'm sadistic like that. >^v^ Future contributors should mind the submission guidelines, though, as I don't want to see a million pics with nipples in them.

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