Disclaimer: a sense of humor is required to enjoy this comic.

Honestly, I kind of like the ambiguity of it all. Sonic is a kid's franchise, and whatever is going on between Whisper and Tangle doesn't need to be made officially canon. The characters are still teenagers and have plenty of time to figure out what they want in life. Meanwhile, the community will continue to enjoy their theories, fanart, and parodies just the same. All I care about is that SEGA doesn't do something stupid by trying to sabotage the situation. 8)

Anyway, I don't have it all out of my system, and I have more Whisper and Tangle stuff planned, though I prefer to make parodies. Don't expect any rule 34 out of me, yo.

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News for September 24, 2024

A few months ago I put some effort into updating the presentation of this site a bit.

Yes, there are now much higher resolution versions of each comic strip available! No longer must you squint to read the bitty text in the old 900×270 format. Most strips are now in a glorious 1400×420 format. So, it makes it all that much easier for you to nitpick all my tangent errors, spelling mistakes, and messy borders.

The gallery and guest art sections are still being updated. As usual, you can check my homepage to check out my other projects. I don't do much art these days and I refuse to use social media, but I'm still alive and may occasionally update this site once in a while.

The first Wacintosh Files compilation is now available from Jarlidium Press! Go buy!

Also, why not check out my previous comic strip, Backing Out of the Outback?