Black Hole
Baby Raccoon Watching Fox and Crow - by (Abeldel2005Antifurros) - [Homepage] 270 Views - 0 Comments
November 2, 2020 · (899 × 531)

Ah, time to introduce the new generation to the timeless classics. This random gift happens to be the first for Melissa.

melissa raccoon

Come With Us - by (TootTootSonicWarrior) - [Homepage] 406 Views - 0 Comments
June 8, 2017 · (1100 × 1100)

Another completely random gift! Aw, yeah... now that I think about it, Tawny's voice sounds an awful lot like Lisa Lougheed.

I'd bet Tawny would be quite flattered to pair up with one of the prettiest raccoons to appear on TV.

BTW, I was a kid of the 80's and already loved raccoons back then, but believe it or not, I never saw any episodes of The Raccoons until a couple years ago on the Internet. I have the theme music on my playlist while doing my exercises — it's good music for workouts.

raccoon tawny melissa