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#1 04-26-2008 21:12:56

New member

"Error Looking for Recent Picture"

I had an Oekaki board on my host for a long time, but then one day I went to check and I got a message saying it couldn't find my MySQL server. So I deleted the board and the server and tried to reinstall the board.

Now, I get the board set up and everything works... but I can't save pictures.

"Error looking for a recent picture.
Use your browser button to go back."

I'm not very good with PHP or MySQL servers... I've seen other people who have the problems, and find ways to fix it, but I can never understand how they went about fixing it... o-o

My Oekaki:
My Host:

PS: I tried to upload a picture and it worked, but then whenever I try and draw, the picture comes up as the one I previously had uploaded. If I try to save the image anyway, it just saves over the uploaded image. hmm


#2 04-27-2008 03:51:51


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

This is kind of troubling.  The images are getting lost, but the server is sending the OK to the applets that the images were saved correctly.

I registered, and it's not working at all for me.  If you could give me upload access, I can try a few more tests.

You said when you upload a picture, then draw with the applet, the applet will "save over" the uploaded picture.  Does that mean the applet picture shows up correctly, or does it turn into a blank/broken image?  If so, this sounds more like a database issue than an image issue.

Wacintaki 1.3.12 is currently in testing on my site, and should be ready soon.  It includes a new logging system that properly reports database errors.  I can package up the beta I have now and give it to you, which might shed some light on this problem.


#3 04-27-2008 13:04:05

New member

Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

When I upload a picture it shows up fine. When you click draw, you draw your picture, and hit send, and it seems to work fine. But the preview for the image you drew turns into the last picture you uploaded. When you save it it, instead of making a second post with the same picture, it over-writes the last picture with whatever new title and comment you make.


#4 04-28-2008 02:54:28


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

I have a bad feeling that the server isn't compatible with socket input streams, so the applets won't work.  File uploads use HTTP forms, so they do work fine.

Forget 1.3.12 -- I've made a patch for 1.3.11 that includes some extra error reporting.  Upload this new "paintbbsget.php" to your board and let me know when it's there.  It will create a new file called "wac_error.txt" that will show what data is actually getting through.


#5 04-28-2008 19:37:09

New member

Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

Okay, I've put the file in there and it's made the file.


#6 04-29-2008 01:40:04


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

Dang.  Your host doesn't support socket streams (or "fopen wrappers"), as explained here:

PHP features that have been disabled

You'll have to get another host to run the board, because all the oekaki applets only support socket streams.  Sorry.


#7 04-29-2008 20:01:19

New member

Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

Dang, that sucks... hmm


#8 05-06-2008 20:57:12


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

I've had the exact same problem...I upgraded, and boom. First the socket permission errors, then this...looks like it can't be helped.

My host recently upgraded it's PHP version to PHP 5, so I don't know whether that's got something to do with it...They probably disabled fopen recently, because it's only just started doing this.

I tried allowing fopen in my php ini file, but that didn't work either. But then, I don't really know what I'm doing with that kind of stuff. sad


Hold the phone...

I fixed it o____O

How strange...I have a spam precaution thing I'm using...I set the 'Deny from env=posting' to Allow, and it magically worked again...I'm stunned.
I also feel reall dumb, because I've gone and started from scratch after panicking...-___-

What I have in my htaccess is:

SetEnvIf Request_Method "^POST$" posting
SetEnvIf Cookie "moo=dvfvvteowijghwhatever" javascript
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from env=posting
Allow from env=javascript

(You change 'moo=dvfvvteowijghwhatever' to your own unique string)

And in my header php inbetween <head> and </head> (after <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?=$cssinclude?>" title="<?=$template_name?>"> ) :

<script type="text/javascript">
document.cookie = 'moo=dvfvvteowijghwhatever;PATH=/';

Obviously as a spam precaution it's a bit useless now, because I changed the posting to 'Allow', so it might just be this bit of code that's doing something:

Order Deny,Allow
Allow from env=posting
Allow from env=javascript

Or it's a complete fluke, and I'm going crazy. Which is more likely...but it's working in Firefox for me as well for some reason.

Last edited by lemm (05-06-2008 21:50:27)


#9 05-07-2008 02:24:09


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

@lemm:  Wait, that fix you provided, is that for the SocketPermission or the fopen wrapper issue?  It shouldn't do anything for the fopen issue.

My host recently upgraded it's PHP version to PHP 5, so I don't know whether that's got something to do with it...They probably disabled fopen recently, because it's only just started doing this.

An upgrade to PHP5 shouldn't do this, since I keep my PHP version up to date and haven't had to make any changes to my PHP configuration to keep things working.  The oekaki uses fopen only if the now deprecated HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA variable is empty.  So, what causes this is a server policy change, not PHP itself.

I tried allowing fopen in my php ini file, but that didn't work either.

Whether it works or not depends whether you are running PHP as CGI or as an Apache module.  That's what's frustrating about web development.  A whole bunch of things can go wrong depending how the server is set up.


#10 05-07-2008 06:17:15


Re: "Error Looking for Recent Picture"

Yeah you're right, I don't think the upgrade would have done anything to make it not work...I think I 'broke' it myself by accident as far as that's concerned...
That htaccess/javascript thing is a deterrent for spam bots that don't use a browser - basically it sets a simple cookie for people using a browser, that allows them to post to forms etc. - All I know, is that basically when I set the env=posting to 'Allow' it worked. I suspect If I hadn't had that thing there to begin with, I wouldn't have had the same problem...

I'm still puzzling over the firefox socket thing and why that worked when I did it, because that's not been working for months. I made sure I had the latest version of javascript etc. and it still didn't work. It even stopped working in Opera after I upgraded the oekaki (I had that cookie thing set up on that on ver 1.3.11, for which it had still been working in other browsers)

I'm sorry if this isn't helping...I'm not exactly a programmer. smile

What's puzzled me the most though, is how it just started working in Firefox for me again - because before that, it just didn't want to know. I don't know if it's a fix or not, (more likely it's a fluke!) but it seems to have done something. I just tested it again (By setting it to 'deny' and back) and it went back to it's old not writing new pictures (overwriting old ones) and giving me the socket permission error in firefox again.


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