NineChime forum

Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.

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#1 03-17-2008 14:19:05


several err problems?


first I have to say I have to change to/find a new webspace because the old one (from a friend was hacked...cause of me???)

so I'm testing this one and well

1) couldn't install the board with the numbers like 755 and such...
well so I tried 777 and it I'm afraid if this is a point of easy hacking that board...
and I'm not sure if it is really secure to let all these things on 777...
is there a way to make everything safer?
(Or isn't it possible for someone who visiting the site to do something, cause of that chmods? like change the files and such mean stuff D:

are 777-folders/files dangerous? I don't exactly know why you have to 777 all the files ...omg..)

argh it's so complicated...hopefully you'll get the point ._." (and my english isn't the best...)

2)while testing the board I found some strange thing: … ieswa4.jpg
why does it only show the "code"? I can't even click on it...

3)is "safe_mode" an important point? cause they've written that it is on "off"
(Safe_Mode off)

thx in advance *bows*

Last edited by Trunksi (03-17-2008 14:22:54)


#2 03-18-2008 04:01:54


Re: several err problems?

1) If your server only allows folders to be writable when they are 777, that is probably due to their security policy.  Some servers are like that.  You should try 775 to see if it works, because the last digit controls "public" write access.  The middle digit handles "group" write access, which means more than one server program can write to the folder.  Typically, each program (such as FTP, PHP, and the system shell) have their own group ID.  775 allows them all to use the folder, while 755 only allows PHP or FTP or the shell to access the folder, and that can be a pain at times.

777 is only really a concern on shared servers where people log in via shell accounts, because if a folder is "public", that means that anyone logged into the system with a regular account could access that folder.  However, CHMOD numbers work differently on web servers.  If the folders only work with 777, and not 775, then there is almost certainly a special policy in place to prevent direct shell access.

2) Have the smiley images been uploaded to the server?  The "codes" are simply the alt attributes in each img tag, which means that the web browser simply cannot find the images.

3) Safe_Mode sucks, and is used only by paranoid hosts that don't want people to run scripts that write files.  It should be off.  This is good.  smile


#3 03-18-2008 12:41:59


Re: several err problems?

okay thanks

I tried it and it doesn't work with "smaller" numbers like 755 and so
If I would keep the 777-status
would there be a possibility for someone to change these files from outsite? (by visiting the site; not knowing my ftp-information)

2) text-only was caused because the smiley-folder wasn't on 777... (changed it to 755 and can see the smileys now big_smile)
but still with both (777 and 755) they're not clickable
- okay found the problem.. hooray to the no-script plugin for firefox... -

3) big_smile thx

the support of that server told me btw to change the chmod back after installing everything...
so would this be a good idea?
(I think some thing won't work after changing them...)

I got the Upload, WIP Error-thingy
You have 1 Unfinished Pictures . Please finish or delete it before starting a new picture.

I have 1 WIP and want to upload a pic and then I always get this message...
I know there were a solution somewhere (I think)...but where...

Last edited by Trunksi (03-18-2008 12:59:49)


#4 03-19-2008 02:13:35


Re: several err problems?

1) No, 777 is only an issue for shell access.

2) Yes, clicking on the smilies to insert them into the text box requires JavaScript.

As for the upload thing, open up the "hacks.php" file and change the following line:



Change the number to the number of additional WIPs you want.  So, if you want to have 3 WIPs maximum, set the value to 2.


#5 03-20-2008 14:31:18


Re: several err problems?

1) okay big_smile So is it safe for me? (sry don't rly get this technical stuff ._."
it's just I want to buy a webspace at [german] and they said:
"50 Kunden je Server" (50 customers per server))

3) upload problem: I tried this, but still...I can'T upload an image, when I have a WIP

4) btw Server sending no confirmation/activation linky-thinky or Recover Passwort Email
I tried both and it doesn't sent me any Emails...
(I was also looking in the spam/junk-folder)

is it because I set all CHMODs (for testing if everything is working with lower chmods)
after installing back to 755 (I'm not sure if I should rly tried this xD)?
Or is it a problem from their side?


#6 03-22-2008 20:53:46


Re: several err problems?

1) Free services like that don't offer shell access, so the short answer is yes.

2) MIA!

3) Bug!  The draw screen works properly, but the uploader doesn't.  I thought I updated them both.  OK, just get the new uploader (1.3.12)

4) Some free servers won't send e-mails due to concerns about spam, so in the Wacintaki control panel, you'll have to change the "Require Approval?" setting.  Unfortunately, there is no way for PHP to test if the server can send e-mail or not without actually trying to send an e-mail.  Either "yes" or "no (forced)" will work, but "no" will not work on your server.


#7 03-28-2008 13:32:38


Re: several err problems?

actually XD this isn't exactly a free serv it costs 8€ per month (but I tried first a free test server, because I didn't want to spend 8€/month without knowing if this is a good webspace thing..)

and thx big_smile your new upload-file also works now *bows*

I have one more (I hope lol) question
it's not a problem but I don't understand it xD...

that cookie-sharing-thing
    // PATH
        // Failsafe, or disable (default)
        $cookie_path = '';

        // For the whole server (be careful!) or subdomain (OK).
        // $cookie_path = '/';

        // Shared server that uses accounts (not subdomains).  Folders are CaSe SeNsItIvE!
        // $cookie_path = '/AccountName/';

    // DOMAIN
        // Failsafe, or disable (default)
        $cookie_domain = '';

        // For every subdomain.  Keep the period at the front for maximum compatibility.
        // $cookie_domain = '';

I am using subdomains
oekaki/main < Main Board subdomain:
oekaki/doodle < Doodle Board subdomain:
oekaki/coloring < Coloring Board subdomain:
and so on

but I don't get how to put it in that hack-file

do I have to write:
// $cookie_domain = '';
or more?
I also wrote:
$cookie_path = '/oekaki';
^- works if I'm using the correct path and not the subdomains

Edit: even don't want to let me log in while using ""

thx in advance waccoon :3~

Last edited by Trunksi (03-28-2008 13:48:03)


#8 03-30-2008 03:10:39


Re: several err problems?

This should be what you need.  You might have to clear your browser cookies before the new domain setting will work.


    // Failsafe, or disable (default)
    // $cookie_domain = '';

    // For every subdomain.  Keep the period at the front for maximum compatibility.
    $cookie_domain = '';


#9 03-30-2008 11:07:31


Re: several err problems?

big_smile yup it's working now
thx so much hooray

edit: sry ...
maybe it's just me
but while using a subdomain for every board
is it possible to share the avatars?
cause it doesn't seem to work entering relative paths like this:

main avatar folder on

and want to use the same avatars on every other board like
so I entered
but it's not working ._. it won't show my avatar
sheesh...I'm a way to complicated sry 'bout that

k nevermind big_smile using the full url now to link to the main avatar folder
and it works

well...but I (and other users) get errors if I (or they) try to upload an avatar on any other board (not main)
something like:

Warning: fopen( … c0d883.png) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections in /www/htdocs/w009bd08/oekaki/doodle/edit_avatar.php on line 88

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/w009bd08/oekaki/doodle/edit_avatar.php:88) in /www/htdocs/w009bd08/oekaki/doodle/common.php on line 220

so it only works while using the main-board for uploading avatars ._."
and I want to be able to upload the avatar on any of these boards...)
maybe I have to change some little thing...not sure...pls help

Edit record X.x..
is it better to put in the control panel at "URL to OekakiPoteto"
the subdomain-link or the full path?
(currently using the path)

I hope you understand what I mean tongue

Last edited by Trunksi (03-30-2008 13:42:28)


#10 04-01-2008 04:59:22


Re: several err problems?

You must put the relative local path into the code.  Every sub domain on a domain is just a path.  You just need to find out what that path is, and it should work.

Even if the web server is serving files for "", the internal path used by the server might be something like "./httpd/public_html/oekaki/doodle/", and for PHP, it would be truncated to only the present working directory, or just "/".  You can reach parent directories with the backtick.  To get to the present working directory with a backtick, you would use "../doodle/"

For example, let's suppose that if you log into your root account, which is used for your master web site files, you would see something like this:


   (main site files go here)
         (oekaki files here)
         (oekaki files here)
         (oekaki files here)
         (oekaki files here)

Then your paths would look like this:
main: "/avatars"
doodle: "../main/avatars"
theme: "../main/avatars"
coloring: "../main/avatars"

This might be different, depending on the directory structure of your server.  You might need an extra backtick in there ("../").  The trick is that a local path must be used.  Anything that starts with "http://" will be able to read avatar files, but not write to them.

The "URL to OekakiPoteto" is used for e-mails, particularly account activation.  It's best to use the sub domain on which the board is hosted, rather than the "main" board, so redirects work correctly.  So, each of your boards would have it's own "URL to OekakiPoteto", instead of sharing the same path.


#11 04-01-2008 09:00:31


Re: several err problems?

I tried it (both: ../main/avatars and ../../main/avatars)
but it dosn't work..

and you're right
the files and folders are like you said
the oekaki folder is in the main folder
and each board is in the oekaki folder (with its own folder)

oh maybe that's important:
at the diagnostic page
it says
./../../main/avatars/       Missing
and if I'm using
./../main/avatars/       OK
but still no avatars... strange

Last edited by Trunksi (04-01-2008 09:03:42)


#12 04-02-2008 03:38:42


Re: several err problems?

OK, try this:  hacked avatars (v1.3.12)

This file has hard-coded paths included so the correct paths will be used for both the server filesystem and the web browser links.  It is already configured (to the best of my knowledge).  To use it, you must make the following changes:

- Copy the new file to each board.
- Change the avatar path in the control panel for each board to "".
- Change the CHMOD permissions of the main avatars folder so it is viewable to the public (currently "Forbidden").

Last edited by Waccoon (05-10-2008 06:02:13)


#13 04-02-2008 12:37:43


Re: several err problems?

wow waccoon you're so amazing big_smile it really helped! thank you so much!
(I wish I had your talent XD because in some weeks we have to code a website
only in editor and I'm quite afraid of it...)

btw the chmod of the avatars folder were 755
don't know why it shows the error message...maybe server setting... but as long as it works I'm happy :3


#14 04-03-2008 03:55:23


Re: several err problems?

Your server is probably configured to refuse directory listings if there is no index file, though files in the folder are still public.  That's not unusual, though it can cause some headaches with scripts.

BTW, that file I gave you is all you need.  If Wacintaki is updated in the future, it will still work so long as the "edit_avatar.php" file has not been changed in the update.


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