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#1 01-06-2007 10:37:19


Can't send pictures or upload

Um, maybe this is a server problem but just incase I'm going to post here about it (maybe someone else has been having this problem too)

Randomly over the night last night, something went wrong with the oekaki and now nobody can submit pictures or upload. When uploading I get the error "Could not insert picture into database". When drawing I get something like "Unable to send image, take a screenshoot of your work  SendE"

I checked the config file, nothing seemed wrong. I made sure the database prefix was correct and I made sure the pictures folder was chmodded properly but nothing really fixed it. ^^;


#2 01-06-2007 14:15:56


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

I get that too sometimes. Dx but it's only sometimes..and i have no idea how to fix it.. sorry. <33


#3 01-06-2007 15:51:44


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

D= so you only get it every once in a while? do you ever do anything to try to fix it? if not then maybe it is a server issue like i suspected. though if it was one, i would have expected the issue to have been worked out by now >.> unless my host is being really slow with fixing stuff.

i also noticed that when i truncate the oekakidta table, the problem gets fixed, but when i re-add the rows to the table, the problem comes back.

Last edited by sfox8 (01-06-2007 15:54:09)


#4 01-06-2007 19:02:17


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Yeah, and sometimes when i upload it has a message: You do not have permission to access this file..blahblahblah...

Mine gets the same message when i try to send it too...

I've never tried to fix it...xP Mine is probably problems with my host...-is using funpic- Other people on other oekakis hosted by funpic have the same problem.

When i first go my oekaki, and a few times after, when i submited something (like the news, notice, comment, etc.) it went to a page and it said "No Mode"...or something like that. It doesn't happen anymore though.

Last edited by Kio (01-06-2007 19:25:00)


#5 01-07-2007 00:59:26


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

i also noticed that when i truncate the oekakidta table, the problem gets fixed, but when i re-add the rows to the table, the problem comes back.

Could you ellaborate on this?  What rows are you adding or removing?

When you add rows, are you setting the default values correctly?

I've never tried to fix it...xP Mine is probably problems with my host...-is using funpic- Other people on other oekakis hosted by funpic have the same problem.

Funpic uses a security policy where if certain words are used, the server will ignore submissions, as if they were never sent at all.  This is for anti-spam purposes, so even common words like "work" and "job" will make the server go ballistic.

I no longer recommend Funpic as a host for oekaki.  This kind of spam paranoia is unacceptable.


#6 01-07-2007 01:09:08


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

well when i truncate the oekakidta table, everything works fine (pictures can be submitted), but when i add all the rows that were in the oekakidta table originally, before i truncated them, it goes back to not working. the rows that i'm talking about are just all the picture information that was in there before i emptied the table.

actually pictures are submitting fine now but it's been on and off all day, and it's still strange how the problem gets fixed by truncating the table. At first glance I would say it's the server, since the problem has been on and off, but even when the main oekaki didn't submit pictures, my wax poteto test board would submit pictures just fine.

Last edited by sfox8 (01-07-2007 01:09:51)


#7 01-07-2007 18:46:21


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Oh, so by truncate, you mean removing pictures in the table, not field names.  OK, that makes more sense.

The only thing I can think of is that the picture counter got messed up.  Go into the dianostics page ("infotest.php"), and make sure the "Current picture number" is higher than the total number of pictures allowed on the board.  If not, the number needs to be reset to something higher that won't conflict with any existing picture numbers.

Also, be aware that when you remove rows from "oekakidta", there will be orphaned comments in "oekakicmt".  Don't mess around too much with the pictures database, or tons of garbage will build up.


#8 02-03-2007 02:33:33


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Sorry for the amazingly slow reply >.>
The problems seem to be happening randomly on and off. It looks like it's working fine right now though. Thanks a lot for the help. Has been for maybe about a week. I looked for an infotest file in wacintaki and wax but there doesnt seem to be one.

As a side problem (or more of a question/inquiry than a problem really. just out of curiousity):

When I do oevista version updates, I usually do all the customizing on a separate board (say or something). Each time that I've done this though, when I transfer all the files from testkaki to the main board (, I always have the problem with the pictures folder being locked, and this same problem occurs (though this is the first time i've had cronic problems like this).

Is there a better way to do that without having to lose all the pictures or is there a reason the pictures folder keeps getting locked when I do that? I've always wondered about it but never really took the time to ask why.

Last edited by sfox8 (02-03-2007 02:34:00)


#9 02-04-2007 00:08:47


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Computers on the Internet are much more paranoid about security than home computers.  They have to be, of course.  Folders can become locked for a variety of reasons, but it usually has to do with your Group ID (GID).

If a folder is created by a script, its GID is the same as the scripting language.  If a folder is created or modified by the FTP server, a different GID is used, either the GID of the FTP server, or the GID used for your server account.  Servers like everything to be the same GID.  If the GID doesn't match up, the only way to gain access to the folder is to reduce the security level with a CHMOD.  In some cases, the server might have a watchdog security program that will lock folders if suspicious things happen, like, moving massive numbers of files.

You may have no choice but to CHMOD the folder every time you copy stuff.  Also be aware that files moved into a folder also have a GID, so you might have to CHMOD every file you copy over, otherwise the board will not be able to overwrite old files, and therefore new files cannot be written.

That's UNIX.


#10 02-09-2007 21:43:21


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Ack.. it's doing it again. @-@ But this time it says it can't insert the picture into the database (which is strange, because i havent touched any oevista file or database since I started this topic). Could it really be the host that is causing the problems (can it be solved by switching hosts?) or is it something I've done on my side?

I can try CHMODding every file like you said, but I just want to verify with you that it won't cause anymore damage to the oekaki than what's already been done. xD;

It also seems to allow certain users to upload and draw with no problems at certain times, but others can't. (me included in the latter)
very strange..

Last edited by sfox8 (02-10-2007 22:31:40)


#11 02-11-2007 21:43:21


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

If this problem is inconsistent, it should be a filesystem issue, and not a database issue.  But, you said the board wasn't inserting pictures into the database.  That's kind of strange.

OK, so this error message is returned by the uploader, right (not the oekaki applets)?  The uploader is what returns the phrase, "Could not insert picture into database".

In functions.php, look for the comment "// Upload picture".  Scroll down and look for this code:


if (!$result) {
    error_log ('Upload failed: Picture='.$p_prefix.$resno.'.'.$slot['ptype'].'; Owner='.$OekakiU.'; DB: '.mysql_error());
    report_err('Could not insert picture into database.');

Now, FunPic doesn't allow access to the PHP error log, so we'll have to make a substitution so we can get the exact error from the database.  Replace that code with this and retest:


if (!$result) {
    report_err('Fail-DB: '.mysql_error());
    // report_err('Could not insert picture into database.');

I should probably write a wrapper for the error_log() function.  PHP's error reporting is pretty much useless unless you actually OWN the server, which, of course, most people don't.


#12 02-11-2007 22:18:29


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Actually, I use DreamHost, not funpic anymore. But it seems that whenever the uploader gives the error, the applets dont submit pictures either. It'll tell me to take a screenshot of the picture.

I'll try what you just posted in the morning though, to see what it'll come up with.


#13 02-14-2007 21:59:33


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Well, I had that too but I hit the button print screen and it sent.

Hi, my name is.... who knows what! I like pie and stuff


#14 02-17-2007 16:54:01


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

Fail-DB: Duplicate entry '621' for key 2

That's the report I got from the uploader. But just for the record, when the uploader doesn't work, neither does the applet. It'll tell the user to take a screen and try again.

So does that error mean that it can't submit because there's already a picture in the database with the number 621 in the PIC_ID or ID_2?


#15 02-18-2007 18:48:14


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

That's definately a duplicate PIC_ID.

I know you're using a mod of the board and can't easily update code.  Which version of Wacintaki are you using?  I think a simple adjustment to "paintsave.php" and a piccount reset will fix this, but I have to know the exact verion.

Basicly, kill_post_files() and kill_picture_slot() are called to replace existing posts, but you have to call the right one.  Updated boards might have an issue with these functions if the SQL5 update doesn't work as expected.


#16 02-18-2007 21:35:49


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

I'm using 1.3.5.

Ah, I'm glad we know what the issue is now.


#17 02-18-2007 22:59:49


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

For now, let's just try to reset the counter.  Wacintaki counts up infinitely so picture slots are no longer re-used.  If the board was updated after the counter was rolled-back in a previous version, sometimes that can cause problems with pictures disappearing. 

Counter reset

If you have this problem again, it's possible the MySQL5 database update may not have updated everything properly.  I have another stand-alone script to fix that, too.


#18 02-19-2007 01:48:12


Re: Can't send pictures or upload

I think the fix worked! I uploaded without a problem and the applets are working fine now. Thanks so much yet again. You're a life saver.


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