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07-22-2006 19:38:43

Wow havn't see you guys for a quite long time
I've been preparing for final exams...
Finally, I successfully wrote saving script for all of the applets after long winded testing hours... It's an extremely tedious job...I spent a hell lot of time investigating how they passed data to PHP

First of all, those applets do HAVE different weird ways to send their their data, one of the applet actually do not send their data in proper way... it actually uploads the file rather send the data.

secondly, some applets do have LOCKUP feature on the redirecting feature of the applet. you need to sent some special string back to the applet, otherwise even the picture was successfully saved, the applet will return "Failed" and won't redirect the applet to the page specified.

if the applet appears DO NOT send data to PHP, IT's a bug of PHP !!!
if the applet DO NOT return content type, the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA won't accept imformation and you have to read the input stream directly from the php procotol...

i think i might make a universal PHP paintboard.. dunno the name.. if anyone want to know how i parsed it, reply it here and i'll tell you.

10-09-2005 04:01:52


Yes, I've heard of that site, and I don't believe it is using Lascaux Sketch legally.  There's been a lot of debate about this on the forums.

BBSPainter is proving to be very difficult, largely because it is tightly integrated with its own BBS, the code is terrible, and it is strictly in Japanese, so I can't really install it.  I did try the applet, though, and I think it sucks.  I don't think I'll spend any serious time on this applet.

PictureBBS is much easier to work with, and I know the proper data format, which is as follows:


3 bytes - STRING, File extention (PNG/JPG)
8 bytes - INT, Picture data length, in bytes
? bytes - BINARY, Picture data
ASCII - CGI, Name/Value pairs

Writing a parsing script should be easy.  I have yet to actually try the applet, though.  I hope it's not another strictly-Japanese applet that has layout issues.  To me, oekaki programmers seem to be the worst software designers in the universe.

10-08-2005 03:29:37

no, if pictureBBS and BBSPainter is same format as paintBBS I would've been able to make it myself, I tried to use the getpaintbbs.php to save image from both applet but they failed. as Shi-Painter, I was able to make it myself because it's in almost same format as paintbbs. but When I found your MOD your MOD was extremely good, especially the i used your mod instead.
and you can refer to the CGI script which is called BBSnote , which uses following applet:
so I think it's virtually possible to make some modification for them, but i'm not good at Perl, so if you are good at perl, can you please make it as a mod to OP?
Thanks you very much
P.Sthe ASP save script for lascaux sketch is from a chinese site called "paintblue", Since china is almost lawlessness, they can do anything they wants. so it's doesn't matter over there. I'm not sure about in US,.... but if there is a risk then don't do it...

10-08-2005 01:34:57

I assume PictureBBS and BBSPainter format their data the same way as PaintBBS, in which case, importing should be the same.  If there are differences, porting the original Perl import scripts to PHP is no big deal.

OekakiBBS 1.3.8, on the other hand, is a problem.  Someone asked me to write an import script for this applet before, and I was completely unable to get it to work because the applet has an "anti-leeching" security hack, which is supposed to disable the applet if it isn't being run on  I found out that the presence of a "picture.cgi" file in the same folder as the applet is a requirement to get the applet to send data, but even then, the applet still won't send a valid image.  I've given up trying to get old versions of OekakiBBS to work.  I may kill the newer version that comes with Wacintaki and Wax, too, because it doesn't work properly with Java 1.5, and the developer isn't making a new version.

As for Lascaux Sketch, I have no idea whether it's legal to redistribute the applet as it is still in beta and not available for public download.  Sorry, but I have to assume that, at the moment, the applet is meant to be exclusive to 2Draw, so I shouldn't mess with it.

10-07-2005 19:28:55

what about
and OekakiBBS 1.3.8 (old simple one) ?!
I have the ASP script to save lascaux sketch java,picturebbs,bbspainter which is Derived from Paintblue...
So I thinkl it's possible to write a php save script by some kind of conversion from ASP to php but i dunno how...
so can you please help me?

10-07-2005 04:38:09

I've downloaded PictureBBS and BBSPainter and will take a closer look over the weekend.

Lascaux Sketch still hasn't been officially released outside 2Draw.  It's supposed to be included with the new OekakiPoteto, but who knows how long that's going to take.

10-06-2005 06:44:38

Heya Wacooo your MODs are very excellent, the layout is excellent too.
Can you please include the following applets in future?
lascaux sketch java
I had been tried to add them but I don't know how to write a php saving script for those applets. but i have the ASP version, so if you are good at programming both PHP and ASP, I can give them for your reference
Thanks you very much

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