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10-28-2005 06:24:10

Sorry to butt in.... but if I specified an absolute path to dbconn.php... how would that work? The oekaki prefixes are different. (I'm using WP by the way).

Not sure if my description of a unified log-in page is quite the same as shii's. here is what I would like: A user logs in on board1, the user than click a link and is taken to board2. Right now the user needs to re-login at board2, even if the member databases are connected to each other. I would like it so that once the user gets to board2, they will already be logged in. How can this be accomplished?

03-27-2005 10:22:58

Thank you, Waccoon. ^^ It's GREATLY appreciated and you are most gracious. <3 I would lick your shoes .. but for fear of creeping you out. xD

03-26-2005 21:32:10

OekakiPoteto was never meant to be used as a multi-board system, so I'll proably have to hack up a special page for you.

It's simple to do, but not something that would go into an official release.  Maybe in Wacintaki 2.0.  wink

03-25-2005 22:49:13

Yeah, that's it. xD I'd also like to make it so that it integrates with my page layout. Rather than redirect to one of the boards, how about another file? Any ideas?

03-25-2005 19:56:53

That's easy, so long as you provide an absolute path to one of the boards' database files, dbconn.php.

You mean it would just set the cookie and redirect to one of the boards, right?  For visiters it would more or less just be a splash page.

03-25-2005 01:14:46

I'm sure this is probably pretty much able to be accomplished, but ...

.. Considering that I've got three boards interconnected with the same member database, I'd like to create a unified login page that's completely separate from the boards, but users are able to specify which board they'd like to view upon login.

Just a suggestion. big_smile

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