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10-06-2008 08:12:08

Well server which I use IS weird, and that's a fact. But who cares, the important matter is that options ARE working without fail.

Thanks Waccoon!

10-06-2008 05:11:20

I guess your server has a custom security policy where the execute flag is used by the web server and not by the OS.  I've seen that a few times before.

In that case, 666 should be safe.  I find it odd that 777 will work -- most servers don't allow that setting for files.

10-05-2008 11:43:08

Thanks for reply!

Well, 664 fail. The options in control panel works ONLY when dbconn.php and config.php are set to 666 or 777. Is 666 safe? I mean executing is disabled for public.. ?

10-05-2008 01:19:35

"666" means that the file has public write permissions.  Some servers don't like that, and will not allows scripts to write to those files, even though the group permissions are correct.  Try setting the file to 664, instead.

The file in question is "dbconn.php".  It's possible that the main config file, "config.php" will also be affected.

If you can't seem to get it working by changing the permissions, I do have a script that will reset permission on the config files.  But, try setting them to 664, first.

10-04-2008 08:03:31


I was wondering why Wax Poteto (here) generates this message, when Oekaki Administrator is trying to change something in control panel:

Could not open database config file for writing. Check your server permissions

- "Błąd" - means "Error" - it's Polish word.
The main text of it tell me, that there is something wrong with config.php CHMOD. Well, I check it - and it's value is set up to 666.

So the question is: what value should I attach, to config.php, to eliminate "Could not open database config file for writing. error?

Best Regards!

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