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Topic review (newest first)

05-28-2009 04:18:15

With a setting of 775, you can see pretty much anything.  This is not a security concern, but by putting a blank "index.html" file in a folder, the web server will prevent directory listings.

08-19-2008 05:44:47

Safe Mode is difficult, and the exact problem can be different from server to server.

Here is something you can try:

With FTP, delete the "avatars" folder from the server.  Make a new avatars folder, and CHMOD it to 775.  This will give the folder different permissions than the original avatars folder.  See if that works.

If there are avatars in the folder, download the old avatars, delete the folder, and upload the avatars to the new folder.  Each avatar in the new folder must then be CHMOD to 664 (the files must be 664, the folder must be 775).

08-18-2008 04:31:02


When I up my avatar:

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 3074 is not allowed to access /www/ owned by uid 2001 in /www/ on line 102

Warning: fopen(avatars/1ba17082042370f17f0436a747ed36b5.gif) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/ on line 102
File did not upload properly. Try again.

(srry, my english is bad >_<)

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