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Topic review (newest first)

08-03-2008 23:46:33

At long last, Wax Poteto 5.7.0 has been released!

This is a very big update and includes most of the things that appeared in Wacintaki 1.3.14 and 1.4.0.  It is also the last version of Wax Poteto, save for fixes.

New templates:  Old custom templates created with the basic template editor are compatible with 5.7.0 without any modification.  However, because of browser strict mode rendering, borders will be thicker by a pixel or two if the templates are not updated.  If you wish to update them to the new format, simply import and re-save them in the new template editor.  Custom and “advanced” templates may require further updating after being converted. Required and optional variables are identified in the editor.  Please make back-ups of your existing custom templates!

Template editor:  Wax now uses a completely new CSS template editor, so you don't have to modify the PHP template files by hand.  A new preview pane has been included, which looks much nicer and includes class names for most elements.  Make sure your template folder and files are writable, as you won't have to FTP custom template files all over the place, anymore.

XHTML:  5.7.0 also now uses XHTML instead of quirks-mode HTML.  You may have to update your banner and notice so resolve some layout issues, as web browsers will be more fussy about bad code.  For example, instead of using the <center> tag, use <div style="margin: auto;">.  This did not always work in earlier versions Wax Poteto, due to the lack of a proper DOCTYPE.  You should also convert all your HTML tags to lower case, as XHTML requires it.

As usual, please let me know about problems ASAP.  My own BBS uses Wacintaki, so Wax Poteto is not as aggressively tested and may have some issues here and there.


v5.7.0 - August 2, 2008

    - Corrected a number of old HTML/CSS compliance issues w/HTML Tidy.
    - Rewrote all applet parameters to be properly URL/HTML encoded.
    - New template format.  Old templates will still work, but should be updated ASAP.
    - Fixed templates and template editor to use pixel units with borders (necessary to include HTML DOCTYPE).
    - Optimized built-in templates and restyled borders on <input> elements.
    - Significantly reduced the glare of the Hentai-Fire template.
    - Fixed badly positioned table tag and bad URL formats in profile viewer.
    - Fixed table parsing bugs in addusr, editprofile, memberlist, mailbox, mailout, and upload.
    - Added more bad characters to the badChars() filter.
    - E-mail address and URL filters integrated into w_gcp().
    - Removed logging of empty functions.php requests.
    - Closed several XSS attacks.
    - Size cap for comments and titles, so pages won't break.  Needs to be expanded.
    - Stand-alone scripts (which do not use header.php) now set charset server headers.
    - Fixed log issue when archiving pictures.
    - Finally fixed bug that prevented members from deleting their own comments.
    - Spam link count marker changed from "h://" to "://" to allow for video links and SSL.
    - Fixed SQL filtering in memberlist to only allow fields in database.
    - Fixed member count in memberlist when searching by username.
    - Default sorting in memberlist fixed.
    - Chat now prints guest IP/host only for admins.
    - Chat comments limited to 200 characters.
    - Added email_code() to index and memberlist to obscure e-mails from non-registerd members.
    - Changed subject line from nifty2_convert() to w_html_chars() in mailread.php.
    - Changed HTML filtering in functions to prevent double-encoding of comments.
    - DB rowcount added to editpic.php and comment.php.
    - Cleaned up NiftyToo markup system to handle HTML encoding without breaking URLs.
    - Corrected anti-spam test to handle/count BBCode links.
    - Owners can now change profiles without having to change age statement.
    - Birth year capped to >1900 || <3000.
    - Fixed PaintBBSCallback() issue with noteBBS.php and paintBBS.php.
    - Minor NoteBBS JavaScript cleanup
    - Removed some error masking in paintsave.php to help diagnose GDlib problems with large picture uploads.
    - Increased cutoff in clean_picture_slots() from 10 to 30.
    - Owners may now change permissions of other owners directly in modflags.php (for diagnostic reasons).

    - Chibi Paint support!  Yes, a new applet!  Caution: some people are having trouble when using JTablet with Chibi Paint.
    - Diagnostics screen now shows statistics about pictures folder, including space used.
    - Wax Poteto is now XHTML Transitional, so Lightbox/Slimbox mods are supported.
    - Board now allows custom background color with thumbnails (in the hacks file) so images with an alpha channel won't be black.
    - New template editor.  Old templates, both basic and advanced, should be updated by loading and re-saving them in the editor.
    - Purge button added to View Pending list.
    - Confirmation when deleting comments on index page.
    - Hacks override for comment delete dialog.
    - Memberlist now allows selectable result page quantity.
    - Memberlist now supports sort by e-mail and rank.
    - Current picture now added to editpic.php.
    - NiftyToo now works more like BBcode, so you can use both '=' and ':'.
    - NiftyToo now supports quoted, big, and small text, and double brackets.
    - Save routine now checks for truncated PNG files.

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