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Topic review (newest first)

09-28-2005 13:44:19

Groovy - that would be cool smile

09-25-2005 20:21:35

Good idea.  I'm going to rework the smiley code a bit, and I'll see if I can patch this feature in.  It's based on the same principle as the smiley code.

09-24-2005 14:15:09

Hello there Wac smile

This is a great tool - I am very impressed by it smile
I am wondering If there might be any way to have a word censor built into it in the future? Currently I'm fine to edit out swear words etc. myself, but i think this would be a helpful feature to implement in the long term.

I don't know whether this is a popular idea as a feature, but it would be great to have as an option. I try to run sites that are safe for all ages, so this is at least important to me.

All the best,


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