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07-16-2008 10:44:45

Oh, thank you so much for the help  <3!!

07-16-2008 02:24:49

1) This file is probably used by Opera, or possibly Java, and is a Microsoft Visual C runtime library.  Download the file and dump it into your C:/Windows/System32 folder.  You can also try looking for an update to Opera or Java, to ensure that this file (and others) are properly installed.

The Firefox issue is a well-known and frustrating problem.  Unfortunately, Sun has yet to solve the problem with the Firefox version of the Java plugin.  Acwitness has posted a workaround.

2) You are allowed to upload an image that has a larger canvas size than the maximum size allowed for the applets (default is 500x500 pixels).  Go into the control panel and increase the maximum allowed canvas size.

Be aware that really large canvases make the applets slow down to a crawl, especially if the canvas at 100% zoom is larger than the screen.

07-15-2008 17:32:38

hello everyone :3

I just freshly installed the latest version of Wax Poteto for my three oekaki boards (the scribble, normal and advanced boards).

I have two errors to report....

1. I cannot draw in Opera. When I try, this error pops  up:

"This application has failed to start because MSVCR71.dll was not found.
Re-installing this application may fix this problem."

I can't draw in Firefox either, because of the SocketPermission error... (speaking of which, can someone help me out with that too?)

And second of all...

When I upload a picture from my computer, and try to retouch (using IE) it chops a lot of my image off down to like a 500x500 square... it's done it three times, I tried editing in Firefox too.

Help would be muchly appreciated <3

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