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07-21-2008 00:37:45

Hey it works! I modified the memory and it works like a charm. Thank you so much Waccoon for all the help!  Hope I haven't been bothering you with all of my questions, thanks again for helping me out smile

07-20-2008 22:20:18

I just did some tests, and it appears that PHP is the problem, and not GDlib.

By default, PHP has an upper limit of 8MB of memory, and when trying to make a thumbnail for an 1800x1600 image, PHP ran out of memory.  However, rather than simply reporting a failure for the GDlib image construction, PHP just stops with a critical error.  The paintsave.php file masks all GDlib failures and handles errors separately.  So, nothing is printed on the screen.  PHP just dies.

The first thing you can try doing is to edit your php.ini file so PHP has more memory to play with.  I don't see any harm in increasing the memory limit to, say, 12MB, so long as you don't have a huge amount of traffic.

To get specific error messages, find all the functions that start with "imagecreate", as well as "imagepng()" and "imagejpeg()".  You will see that each of these functions is preceded by the "@" symbol.  Remove the "@" symbol, and if a thumbnail fails to generate, an error will be displayed.

My impression is that if a corrupt file was uploaded to the server, a thumbnail would not generate, but it would be useful for the script to continue so all the other housekeeping would be completed.  After a few tests, I see that PHP just dies when it encounters an GDlib error, so trying to handle error reporting manually is pretty useless.  I'll take this into consideration for Wacintaki 1.4.0 and Wax 5.6.5.

07-20-2008 20:44:59

Ah ignore the post about the zso2 oekaki - it seems to work fine (the thumbnail generator)

Right now i'm looking to figure out a way to fix the thumbnails

07-20-2008 20:32:32

Hmm, I don't think I have a link like that on the index page because I'm not using wax-poteto or wacintaki systems XD

I'm using your upload codes for the images - can you try it out on our server?

I've added you as a super admin so if you want you can try uploading a large picture (max: 2048 x 2048 & 3MB (3145728 bytes))

If you upload an image and receive a blank page, the thumbnail did not generate. That means you'll have to goto the Recover Pictures section and submit it. Afterwards you'll notice on the frontpage that there is no thumbnail. This also applies to drawings so I'm not really sure what's going on here. (drawings can get HTTP 500 errors if they are too large - they submit but no thumbnail)

I've also been getting the same errors on the oekaki script that you made (Wax Poteto) on this site:

As some have reported thumbnail errors at larger images XD

07-19-2008 00:42:17

Does a thumbnail generate if you use the "Thumb" link on the index page?  Clicking it once will remove any thumbnail that exists, clicking it again will generate the thumbnail in a slightly different way than when the picture is uploaded.

I'm not aware of any file size or canvas size limits for GDlib.  The library is built into PHP, and the php.ini file only has one configuration setting for GDlib.  I've uploaded some large pictures to my test site before (~600K), and those worked.  I'll try some larger files and see what happens.

07-18-2008 02:16:54

Hmm, I have a quick question about GDLibrary:

Whenever someone uploads a large file from a drawing (say 700kb or more) or if the resolution goes over 1000 pixels, the thumbnail does not generate. I have a feeling this has something to do with the server settings or at least something similar.

I've tried fixing this by creating a thumbnail function that checks if a thumbnail has been generated before postart (if !file_exists, generate thumbnail) but with no avail. I've also tried uploading a random image to my other site ( with a 1680 by 1050 image, but the thumbnails just doesn't want to generate.

Do you have any clue what's going on?

07-14-2008 03:52:39

Ah, I wish I was, after the massive bug with 1.3.14.

The good news is that my back is back to normal, if I don't sit for too long.  Oh yeah, and 1.4.0 will finally have BBcode support.  It's been a pretty good weekend, really.

07-14-2008 03:18:04

I can't believe that that was the problem this whole time - I thought I messed up somewhere in the file placement or something XD

I'm glad it works, and I thank you so much for that (and thank you for registering on the site too! It'll be a big help roflmao)

Thanks a lot for your help and for the quick reply - I've read that you've been having a herniated disc problem and I hope you get better soon! After all, you are the oekaki master smile

07-14-2008 01:29:58

That picture is on page 7 of your test oekaki, right?  The 500x600 size gave it away.  wink

The problem is that there's no space for the interface.  The OekakiBBS anim viewer requires that the width be exactly the same as the picture, but the height needs an additional 38 pixels of height to accommodate the playback interface.  So, if the applet width and height need to be 500 and 688, respectively.  The canvas parameters should match the picture, and should remain at 500x650.

So, here is the code for the applet tag:


<applet name="oeb"
    width="<?php echo ($row['px']);?>"
    height="<?php echo ($row['py'] + 38);?>"
07-13-2008 23:31:34

Hmm, I have a little problem with the animation viewer for OekakiBBS. It seems to work normally for older Wax Poteto versions, but when I try implementing it myself on my system it doesn't want to show the animations properly (nothing loads)

Example of HTML code


        <applet name="oeb" code="a.p.class" archive="oekakibbs.jar" width="500" height="650" border="0">
            <param name="popup" value="0">
            <param name="anime" value="2">
            <param name="readanm" value="2008/7/11/Night_2008711_1494204d4b.oeb">
            <param name="readanmpath" value="./">
            <param name="picw" value="500">
            <param name="pich" value="650">
            <param name="baseC" value="9999FF">

            <param name="brightC" value="C0C0FF">
            <param name="darkC" value="6666FF">
            <param name="backC" value="CCCCFF">
            <param name="buffer_canvas" value="true">

I have a feeling that it has to do something with readanmpath, because when you try setting it other than "./", the java box gets a red X. Know any clues on how to fix this?

[Also, can you register yourself on I want to give you credit and I thought it would be interesting if you could register Waccoon so I could link your profile and your site :)]

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