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06-22-2008 20:25:29

Not as far as I'm aware.  I'm not quite sure how JTablet hooks into the applets, but I do know that you may have to re-install JTablet if you update to a new version of Java, and you have to manually enable it in ShiPainter.  Since it's only broken on your web site, that's a bit odd.

Do you have Firefox?  If so, you can go to "Tools -> Java Console", and see if there are any error messages that pop up when you try to run ShiPainter or push the "P" button to enable pressure.

06-20-2008 22:43:19

I made a new Oekaki some days ago , but when I tried to use the pen pressure it dint work. I have jtablet instaled on my comp and it works in others oekakis. Do I have to upload other files to my oekaki?

my oekaki:

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