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Topic review (newest first)

09-05-2005 21:39:07

1) Sorry, but Freewebs cannot host Oekaki boards.  Freewebs doesn't support PHP and MySQL, which is required by Wax.  Some unpaid servers will work, but I don't really have any recommendations since I buy my web space.  Any site that charges $5 a month or more should be able to host a Wax Poteto board.  Whatever you do, don't use Tripod.  wink

2) Download

3) Any host that only allows 7 web pages probably won't be able to run Wax Poteto.  I'm not sure if that means only 7 HTML files are allowed, or maybe 7 folders, but it certainly doesn't sound right as Wax Poteto has 30+ files.

It also uses a lot of bandwidth -- about 500 megabytes a month with a dozen or so members can be expected.  That is the max that Freewebs supports, so there wouldn't be anything left for the rest of your website.

4) Yes, Super-Admins and Admins may be added.  Admins have the ability to update news and notices, the rules, upload and delete pictures, edit comments, and other stuff.  Super-Admins can do all that, plus add or delete Admins.

09-05-2005 15:38:19

I can't find the code, or whatever I need to do to add it to a page x.x
Wax Poteto 5.5.1 is my Oekaki. I have a few questions:

1) Will it work with freewebs on an un-paid domain?
2) Where can I find the code?
3) If it does work, will it take up my pages (your only allowed 7)?
4) Am I able to add adminastraitors?

I'll continue to look for answers, but until then, please provide answers! Thank you!

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