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04-15-2008 02:16:59

Oh wow!! Thank you so much!!! It's all done!

I've been using an old OekakiPoteto board so far (just Oekaki and BBSPaint) and apparently me and my friends are absolutely outdated! lol. Since it's a sub comunity for those who -can- use it, I don't think it will harm anyone, and will make feel more confortable those who are newbies with Shi-Painter, etc.

I haven't tried with IE, but in Firefox it never gave me any trouble.

Again, a million thanks!!

04-15-2008 01:50:21

OekakiBBS was officially removed from Wacintaki/Wax a while ago, because it is very troublesome.  This was for a couple reasons:

1) The author never gave official permission for the applet to be included in OekakiPoteto, and there is no license for it.  Officially, Wacintaki and Wax still supports the applet, but if you wish to use it, you must install it yourself.

2) OekakiBBS has a major problem working with the version of Java made by Sun Microsystems (as opposed to Microsoft's dialect of Java).  As a result, many, if not most people, can no longer use the applet.  I've tracked down the issue to a problem with the applet's security system, as the applet does have code that allows it to "call home" in certain cases.  The applet still works with IE 6 when running the Microsoft Virtual Machine, but it will not work with IE 7 or any other browser that uses Sun Java.  These days, that means pretty much everyone.

If you want to install OekakiBBS, just copy the JAR file into your oekaki folder.  But, use it at your own risk.  It's kinda flaky.

You can download it here:  You will have to unzip the file to upload the JAR to your oekaki folder.  If you upload the zip file as-is, it will not work.

04-14-2008 06:40:04

I'm sorry, I'm sure this must be the most stupid question ever to be asked : P

I've recently installed the latest version of Wax Poteto (no upgrading) and, despising the fact I'm fairly new at anything related, I think is an absolute jewel. It's so smooth and easy and clear, and after playing with it a little while I was able to understand it and customize it as much as I wanted (which is very little).

I just have one (stupid) question... where's the OekakiBBS?? Shi-Painter & PaintBBS are there, but the OekakiBBS is missing. In the screenshot I can see it in the credits (by poo), plus there is the OekakiBBS.php file. Was it deleted, is it my problem, or is there any way to get it??

But anyways: thank you. Wax Poteto is a wonderful thing!

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