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Topic review (newest first)

02-16-2008 03:51:19

Bad news:  I don't think it's possible to un-zip those files.  The applet appears to require them in ZIP format.

Good news:  Only animation playback actually requires those files.  Without them, the ShiPainter animation viewer will not work.  The paint applet has a built-in default set of textures that will work even if the ZIP files are not present, so people can still paint with textures.

02-15-2008 22:08:05

pokemonalexander2 wrote:

oh uh, Can i unzip them because my host's service said that i have to go Upgrade if i want to use zip folders

To use ZIP folders? That's a bit odd. tongue

02-14-2008 19:32:50

oh uh, Can i unzip them because my host's service said that i have to go Upgrade if i want to use zip folders

02-14-2008 09:16:44

Nope.  Those are archives used by the applet, so just upload them as they are.

Does your web host have a policy against uploading ZIP files, or are the files just not uploading properly for some reason?  Some older FTP programs might have to be manually switched to binary mode to upload the files properly.  You could try renaming them from ".zip" to ".jar", then renaming them back to ".zip" after they have uploaded.  Java JAR files are actually just ZIP files with a different file extension, so that might allow you to get around a security limitation with the server.

02-13-2008 21:51:22

You know the zip folders in Shipainter do i unzip them?
because i can't upload it to my website.

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