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02-07-2008 12:40:30

Doh...I didn't notice the other ones there. xd

BTW, in the 1.3.1x versions, it seems like you cleaned up some of the code, template-wise. It's a LOT easier than I rememeber to "hack" the code to re-template the script than last time. smile

02-07-2008 04:37:44

There's multiple instances of this code, often depending on which member ranking is being tested.  Make sure you change all the references.  I assume you're editing the code in the FAQ.

In "index.php", for example, there's two instances of this code: one for the artist who drew the picture, and one for each comment on the picture.  Do a search for 400, 500 to find them both.

Also, make sure you don't add any quotes to the numbers.

02-06-2008 17:13:11

Could you perhaps provide a link to your site with the edits made? smile

02-06-2008 12:40:06


                ~ <a onclick="openWindow('profile.php?user=<?=urlencode($row['usrname']);?>', 300, 400); return false" href="profile.php?user=<?=urlencode($row['usrname']);?>"><?=$row['usrname'];?></a><br />

When I change the width (300), it's not changing the size of the pop-up window. Why?

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