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Topic review (newest first)

01-18-2008 01:36:19

ok so is there  hope to fix this problem 

tell me

01-13-2008 02:21:59

so X_X can you soon fix this problem

I hope fix it quickly

01-13-2008 01:37:22

Wax Poteto is pretty much the same code, just with a different visual style.  It also has this problem.

01-13-2008 00:51:21

Well how about Wax poteto is it the Same problem or it work good

01-12-2008 06:30:33

The proper fix is to use a new picture number for retouched images.  Wacintaki's sort system currently doesn't allow new numbers to be assigned to old pictures.  Technically, this is a design flaw that has to be fixed at some point.

01-10-2008 06:47:53

Xsi wrote:

Well it work when I press F5 the pic is come back not the old

but is there any idea to fix this problem

Only way would to be to stop your browser from caching images like how it is currently doing.

In theory, you could set the images to never cache, but that would be a huge drain on the server having to recreate it every page view.

01-10-2008 03:08:12

Well it work when I press F5 the pic is come back not the old

but is there any idea to fix this problem

01-10-2008 01:52:30

Most likely the browser cache hasn't been updated.  Hit Ctrl-F5 or your browser's Reload button to re-cache the image.  This is an issue with web browsers, so if you were to use another computer to view the oekaki board, the correct image should show.

01-09-2008 09:21:51

I have put this oekaki in my server but the problem is

when I draw a pic and upload it then I draw again and upload it I see the old one not the new one ???

do you think the problem when I use internt explore or not and if yes is there any idea to fix it please

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