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Topic review (newest first)

12-01-2007 03:38:42

This is the reason why I want to recode the whole board from scratch.  However, I'm learning Java and some other new things over the next month or two, preparing for a new job.  Whether Wacintaki 2.0 will ever happen is a big question.

With all the old oekaki applets dying left and right, never having supported proper HTTP standards, that doesn't make things any easier.

11-30-2007 19:11:13

IIRC, you said you are working on a new Oekaki application in the future.

So if possible, please make it easier to template than how Wac is at the moment. Right now, doing anything short of a CSS color change requires untold amounts of changes to the core code. I'm planning on "reverting" to the core code and just skin parts of the Oekaki on my website for the time being, since it's three versions old and trying to compare the old / new files is asking for a huge-ass PHP/SQL error. tongue

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