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Topic review (newest first)

11-22-2007 20:32:21

I finally got some information on this problem from a senior Java programmer.  More info in that new thread I opened for this issue:

11-22-2007 08:34:27

That's pretty weird, 'cause I have paid hosting. Lately I've been hearing that they've gone downhill, though.

Anyway, thanks~ :] I'll e-mail Netrillium about it.

11-22-2007 02:08:26

This problem is becoming a real pain.  I've created a sticky topic for this issue.

11-21-2007 15:45:52

I just installed the latest version of Wax Poteto. I didn't get any errors during installation, and I followed the readme as far as what files to CHMOD and everything. But whenever I try to submit a picture, I get this error:

I get the exact same error with the latest version of Wacintaki Poteto, too, so I'm guessing this is either serverside or something that I'm doing wrong with both of them. I checked the forums, the Waci manual, and both readmes, and could not find anything.

Can someone help, please? <3

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