NineChime forum

Furry stuff, oekaki stuff, and other stuff.

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Topic review (newest first)

10-30-2007 03:43:20

Good idea.  I see that on forums all the time.  I'd have to make a proper note system, though, so people don't accidentally overlook mailbox messages buried in all the comment notices.

It's about time I revamped some of the management tools, too, so I should also add a "My Pics" link to the My Oekaki menu, or something.  That way people can see all their own pictures without having to use the somewhat troublesome search feature.


10-29-2007 14:37:29

My board gets a lot of activity, so people will normally have to go back a few pages just to see comments on their pics.

I think a lot of our members would like it if an alert/message could be sent to their inbox when a new comment is posted to one of their images (or a reply to one of their comments).

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