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Topic review (newest first)

10-13-2007 07:13:49

For some reason, your web server is parsing image files as if they are PHP code!  That's, um, very bad.  wink

Tell your administrator to look at the "httpd.conf" file, which is the main config file for the Apache web server.  Make sure there are no references to PNG files in either of the application hook settings, namely, AddType and DirectoryIndex.

I didn't see any JPEGs in the pictures folder I could test, but I can tell that all the animation file types work fine.  It looks like only PNG files are affected.

There is also a very large "error_log" file in the pictures folder.  PHP makes this file automatically when an error is returned.  This file (in the pictures folder ONLY) can be safely deleted to free up some space.

Sapphire Luna
10-11-2007 10:26:42

My administrator changed the site's server, and there are some problems since then.
Some pictures disappeared, and new ones won't appear. When I click where the picture should be, I get this.

Warning: Unexpected character in input: ' in /home/thenetho/public_html/sapphireluna/oekaki2/pictures/103.png on line 20

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/thenetho/public_html/sapphireluna/oekaki2/pictures/103.png on line 20

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