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09-24-2007 14:59:34

Thats much better then the way I was doing it.

09-21-2007 03:47:44

I've already got too much of a mess in the control panel as it is, so I haven't been adding new features like this.

To get default canvas support, and have the canvas size adjust automatically, here's the proper way to do it:

Put this somewhere at the top of paintBBS.php, noteBBS.php, and shiBBS.php.  Change this to the path of the picture you want (it must be on your server, and not on a site like Photobucket).  Leave it blank to disable the custom canvas.


$custom_canvas = 'folder/file.png';

Put this directly after the end of the if ($edit) {} block, and before the // Verify that canvas sizes fit min/max line:


if (!empty ($custom_canvas)) {
    // Cannot use anim with default canvas
    $anim = 0;

    // Set up import
    $app_import = $custom_canvas;

    $size = @GetImageSize ($custom_canvas);
    $xcord = $size[0];
    $ycord = $size[1];
09-20-2007 12:34:28


i'm an idiot....

09-20-2007 09:07:20

apparently my picture was to large (width and height)

what are the limits?
can they be change?

09-20-2007 08:52:32

I forgot to thank you for such a great program.

Thanks for such a great program!

09-20-2007 08:23:23

I've already read this post:
Ths link is dead.
I've also gone into shiBBS.php and added this:


<param name="image_canvas" value="picture.jpg" />

The applet is accessing the image but it won't display correctly.

Original background image example:

What is displayed:

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