NineChime forum

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09-06-2007 21:01:38

It works, thanks!


09-06-2007 06:45:07

I've been trying to keep the number of control panel options down.

The file "edit_avatar" contains the filesize limit.  I chose a limit that assumes a badly compressed non-animated avatar, or a really simple animation.

Look for this line:


$max_avatar_size = $cfg['avatar_x'] * $cfg['avatar_y'] * 4;

...and change it to whatever size you want it to be, in bytes.  To allow avatars that are 20K in size, change it to:


$max_avatar_size = 20480;
09-05-2007 18:41:36

Hi, I'm trying to change my oekaki board to allow animated avatars...since right now it seems to not allow them due to the size of the files. I have looked through the control panel and could not find a control for this, how would I go about changing it?


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