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08-16-2007 03:55:55

ShiPainter automatically centers the drawing point, so you have to be careful how you align the image.  I think the cursor also has to be 32x32.  A regular cursor would work fine -- you'd just have to leave some empty space at the top.

08-15-2007 13:58:50

Aah, thank you very much! This works perfectly! 8D

(And I assume I can edit the cursor if I decide to change it... Would it be possible to convert a regular cursor into a .gif file and use that? Or would it automatically center it so it doesn't use the tip of the arrow as the selector...)

08-15-2007 05:38:45

ShiPainter hasn't been updated in a while, so the version that comes with Wax Poteto is still the newest.

One thing you can try is to take the cursor image from Wacintaki and use it with Wax Poteto.  Download this custom cursor and upload it to your oekaki folder.  It should be used automatically with Shi Pro.

08-13-2007 17:10:35

I'm having trouble using Shi Painter Pro; whenever a small sized brush is used, the cursor completely disappears and you can't tell where you are drawing... Is it possible to re-install shi painter pro onto my website? (a newer version maybe?)  Because I've tested Shi Painter Pro on other oekaki boards and it works fine.


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