NineChime forum

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Topic review (newest first)

08-15-2007 13:59:57

Ah, okay. Thanks anyway!

08-15-2007 04:36:44

I'm afraid not.  The new 5.6 update is now using a lot of Wacintaki code, but all the HTML in Wax is different from Wacintaki (to maintain compatibility with OekakiPoteto templates).  It's just a matter of cleaning up all the HTML, which is very slow work.

08-12-2007 16:28:39

I noticed in January '06 you said that you were not planning on implementing collaborations or password retouches or whatever with wax poteto yet. I was just wondering if you've had time to work on it and if there was anyway to implement this yet.

Thank you!

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