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07-23-2007 17:57:05

Waccoon wrote:

On some servers, HTML indexes are given a higher precedence than PHP files.  Just copy an "index.html" file into the oekaki folder, and give it a link to "index.php".

Doing it other ways is possible, but requires more work, requires guests to allow cookies, or needs server control through an ".htaccess" file.

oh, okay, thanks!

... Hmm. I'm not exactly sure how to work the .htaccess file, though o-o

07-23-2007 05:02:54

On some servers, HTML indexes are given a higher precedence than PHP files.  Just copy an "index.html" file into the oekaki folder, and give it a link to "index.php".

Doing it other ways is possible, but requires more work, requires guests to allow cookies, or needs server control through an ".htaccess" file.

07-22-2007 21:46:36

I've seen it on oekakis before. How might I be able to do this?

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