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Topic review (newest first)

07-20-2005 12:40:19

Reupload: done!
Reinstall: done!
Sorethumb can now login, and so can I.
I still get "Invalid verification code" when trying to recover, though.

07-20-2005 08:28:31

I'll try re-updating, although things DID work immidiatly after that last update - there were upload issues, but I fixed them. Both 'Sorethumb' and 'Silvrain' cannot login either.

But I'll give it a try, my horrible connection does corrupt files!

07-19-2005 15:01:59

I'm not sure why the english file isn't working since all the profiles clearly show that they have english as the default.  Try clearing your browser cookies.  The board is showing you as the owner, so it looks like the flags were converted correctly.

The login issue might be due to a file that hasn't been updated.  All the files in the patch my need to be re-copied to make sure they're all updated.

Also, make sure you get the update, not the full installer.  The full installer *will* overwrite your rules (though I intend to fix this).  When you re-copy all the files, the board likely will not tell you to run the updater.  Run "update.php" manually to make sure everything is updated.

I can't login either at the moment.  I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens.

07-19-2005 11:31:10

A user reported login problems, so I decided to take a look at it;

First, I had an SQL problem; when you login from index.php, it calls functions.php - which instead of loggin me in, gave errors. But it seemed related to a certain /languages/.php file - so I made a copy of english.php and called it .php. I have NO clue how this has begun to happen anyway, and it's not really synchroneous with my having updated the board. Well, .php seemed to solve it.

I then tried to login again, via the same password my browser always remembers. But it said my password was wrong, or I was a pending member. I checked the memberlist to exclude the latter, and tried some different passwords, all with same result. I then chose to click 'recover password', and used the link in the generated email. (which, by the way, is only half the proper address, Wacc, "/chngpass.php?vcode=[code removed]&username=krisCrash" is hardly going to direct newbies to the right board!) but it gave me the message " Invalid verification code. Use your browser button to go back."

Since this has probably reset my password, I am in a bit of a pickle, being the board owner :x
Version is 1.2.0, updated since 1.0. Adress is

ps.: updating seems to clear out the rules page D:

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