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07-14-2007 14:23:11

Okay, thank you :> This was really helpful.

07-14-2007 05:09:14

OekakiPoteto wasn't really designed to support multiple boards, so setting up multiple boards can be tricky.  But, there's a few things you can do to share content.

- One member database can be used for each board, so members will have a profile that can be shared.  The directions for this are in the installer.  The first board is installed normally, each extra board has to use a different main database prefix, but the same member database prefix.

- Wax 5.6 will have a "hacks.php" like Wacintaki.  To share logins, so people only have to log in once for each of the boards, you have to open up the "hacks.php" file and change the cookie path so each board can see the cookie.  The directions for doing this are in the hacks.php file.  Wax 5.6 is currently in beta and should be officially released soon.

- To share avatars, the first board installed will have a normal path to the avatars folder (such as avatars/). Each additional board must have a path to the first board's avatars folder.  This is done with the path backtick:  ../board1/avatars  Note that to share avatars, you must already be sharing the member database.

Templates cannot be shared, so you will have to copy templates if you modify them.  This is mostly because of how default paths work, and juggling paths makes it difficult to add images to templates.

07-13-2007 10:21:08

I own an oekaki with three boards, and I'd like to have them have one templates and oekaki folder.
For the avatars: because it'd be a pain for them to upload them at all three boards

and the templates: because every time I make one, I have to copy it to the other two folders, and I'd prefer not to do that.

So is there a way to fix this?

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