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07-15-2007 01:59:17

Whenever I draw, I always draw in Animation.  Also, this same problems happens when I use Shi-Painter as well...
I'll give turning off that option a try, hopefully it won't screw up my Java.

As for not drawing in animation, I could do that in some drawings thanks to the Mask tools.  But it isn't always an option.

Thanks so much for the help.

07-11-2007 04:03:44

It doesn't save any changes you make?  That's odd, because image data sent to the server has nothing to do with the cache.  Do you save animations with all your pictures?  Try turning animations off.

Turning off the Java cache... I'm not sure what that would do, but it probably wouldn't screw up anything.

07-09-2007 03:57:06

Turns out after I retouched again the new data hasn't updated.
Would it be wise if I unchecked "Keep temporary files to my computer" in the Java settings?
Doing so would probably stop this problem.. But I'm sure it'd bring new problems as well.

07-09-2007 02:24:14

Thanks, that fixed it.  But might I ask.. is this a temporary fix only?
My Java is version 1.6.0 Standard Edition 6.
Thank you so much for the help, I really appreciate it. =]

07-08-2007 15:25:02

This is a caching issue, and unfortunately it is caused by an architectural limitation within the oekaki software.  Whenever a file is modified but the name stays the same, the web browser needs to know that the file has been updated, but there's no mechanism to do this.

To fix this is a web browser is pretty easy.  Either click the reload button, or hit Ctrl-F5.

Fixing this in PaintBBS isn't always easy, because Java has its own cache, and each version of Java has a different way of clearing it.  If you go into your computer's control panel and you see a tab for Java, open it up, and somewhere in there it should give you an option to delete "cahce" or "temporary internet files".  You shouldn't have to do this very often, though.

07-08-2007 08:29:32

I found this site by an internet search and I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this..

Anyhow, I'm using PaintBBS Animated and whenever I try to retouch my image, it shows the image that was first saved- not the last retouch.  On the oekaki page it shows the new image, but the retouch always shows the first image.  This usually happens randomly and not everyday.  The usual solution to this is to restart my computer. times it can get frusterating.  It's happened yet again and I really don't want to restart my computer.
I figure somethings wrong with Java and it won't update, but I don't know what to do.  I'm not the only one with this problem, another member at the oekaki mentioned the same thing a week ago.

Please help. =]

I'm sorry, I barely read the post rules.  I go to this oekaki:

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